
Foreverstorms are a type of supernatural weather found in rare occurences across the Known World. No one has witnessed the genesis of a foreverstorm; historical records only reference their sudden appearance, either from the earliest known chronicles or from a specific point in time.


Despite their supernatural longevity, foreverstorms resemble typical severe thunderstorms, complete with dark, towering clouds that stretch ominously into the sky. From a distance, in clear conditions, one can observe the vast, swirling masses of these eternal tempests, marked by persistent lightning and relentless downpours.   Their most striking feature are their endless duration. Unlike normal storms that eventually dissipate, foreverstorms persist indefinitely, maintaining their intensity without respite. These storms are accompanied by constant lightning, heavy rainfall, and gale-force winds, creating a perpetual state of chaos within their boundaries. The lightning is often described as more intense and frequent than that of regular storms, and the rain appears to be never-ending, leading to significant changes in the landscape beneath them.   The clouds of a foreverstorm are often imbued with strange hues, sometimes exhibiting an eerie luminescence at night, casting an otherworldly glow over the surrounding areas. The thunder is described as a continuous, rumbling roar, sometimes interspersed with sharp, deafening cracks that can be heard for miles. These storms also exhibit unusual magnetic properties, often interfering with navigation instruments and magical devices.


Oddly for storms, they also do not move or deviate far from their locale. Foreverstorms are known to exist in two primary regions of the Known World:  
Jol Hasé Rocks
Off the Coast of Northeastern Felora, this foreverstorm is notorious among D'jo sailors and coastal Ekoran communities. The Jol Hasé Rocks are treacherous islands made of sharp rock formations, made even more perilous by the presence of the foreverstorm. Legends tell of ships being sundered by the Jol Hasé foreverstorm, batted by the winds and the rocks, and of ghostly apparitions of sailors lost to the tempest. The constant turmoil of the sea and sky in this region has made it an area of significant myth and superstition.  
Great Stormy Ocean
The foreverstorm here is the namesake of the Great Stormy Ocean. The interior of the Yulan Ocean is rendered unnavigable by this eternal tempest, with choppy waters and violent winds deterring all but the most foolhardy explorers – who never return. Mariners speak of a perpetual twilight under the storm, with towering waves and unceasing rain creating a landscape of eternal strife. The storm's presence has significantly influenced the maritime routes and the cultures of the coastal nations surrounding the Yulan Ocean, leading to numerous tales of lost expeditions and ancient, storm-bound treasures.
Foreverstorm by Trekman10 + artbreeder
Metaphysical, Supernatural

Cover image: by J. Emslie.