Jol Hasé Rocks

The Jol Hasé Rocks are a dangerous archipelago seperating the Thæl Sea on the east coast of the Jollì Steppes from the Atami Sea on the northern coast of Felora. Once a peninsula according to ancient Ekoran sources, the Getnian Cataclysm seems to have sundered the mythic peninsula, shattering it into the rocky, dangerous archipelago jutting into the ocean that it is today.


The rocks are a series of uninhabitable islands that jut sharply upwards out of the water for kilometers in a slightly hook-shaped fashion bending southwards. Weirdly, the rocks get taller the further away from the continent.


The dangerous conditions make any study of the ecosystem here difficult.

Localized Phenomena

The area is plagued by unnatural storms at nearly all times, clearing once every 50 years. These hurricane-force winds are disasterous to ships, which must sail far north and east around the peninsula, creating a barrier to oceanic trade along the northeast of Felora.


The near-permanent storms produce hurricane-force winds, hail the size of a fist, and thunderstorms. Ancient Elves in the region nearby have folktales that describe an inhabitable peninsula of similar climate to the Jollì Steppes, with shrublands and sparse trees.


The Jol Hasé rocks were discovered by Early Imperial Era by fishing boats sailing east from the Dotharan Coast, where the obstacle forced them back to their traditional Formen waters. In the Late Imperial Era, the Invention of Lanteen Rigging made it possible to navigate around the rocks, allowing better navigation along the outer edge of the storms.   Later Imperial Feloran Chilëkus catalogued the Ekoran folktales and sources, learning about the supposed peninsula destroyed by the cataclysm and the subsequent beginning of the eternal storm.
Alternative Name(s)
Shipwreck Cape
Location under

Cover image: by Ant Rozetsky, edited by Trekman10