
Mythral, sometimes spelled mithral, is a naturally occuring metal, prized for its rarity and properties. When worked with by skilled smiths, mythral does not tarnish nor grow dim. It is used to make heavy armor, weapons, and tools lighter and easier to use, and also used as one of the metallic bases for magic items (especially weapons and armor).


Material Characteristics

Mythral is a silvery metal that is lighter, more flexible, and yet as strong as iron.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mythral in its pure form is rather soft and malleable, however it is often impure, embedded with other ores in vein deposits.


Among some bardic circles, it was said that mythral combined with steel could create adamantine, but according to Volgier and Cyrenic sources, this claim was laughable.

Geology & Geography

Mythral is located most commonly at depths beyond 4,000 meters, often near caves connecting the "surface" with that of the upper layers of the Underdark.

Origin & Source

Mythral ore is found most abundantly in the mines of the Cyrenic people, where it has propelled their Kingdom's economic and political development. The ore that contains it is only found at certain depths, deeper than gold or silver, and in smaller deposits.

History & Usage


Mythral was first discovered by the Cyrenic people in the Odric Mountains, a region known for its rich mineral deposits. Ancient Cyrenic miners stumbled upon vein deposits of this remarkable metal while digging deep within the mountain caverns. Legend has it these initial discoveries were small, but the rarity and properties of Mythral quickly garnered attention.

Everyday use

Weapons and armor made from mythral are quieter to wear, easier to use, and/or more powerful in combat.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Mythral has notable import to the Cyrenic people. It is the namesake of the Kingdom's Mithral Guard, and is associated with the integrity and honor of these royal guardians.


Mythral bar by trekman10 + Artbreeder
silvery grey
Boiling / Condensation Point
3287 °C
Melting / Freezing Point
1668 °C
4.502 g/cm3 (4.11 g/cm3 when liquid)
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species