Oréstund Uhok

King Oréstund Uhok, IV

Known as the "Mad King" informally. He went through a great change after returning from one of his World Pilgrimages, and has since embarked on transforming his Kingdom for reasons known only to himself. Styling himself the "Saviour-Immortal" of the Daraman People, he has said only that a "great calamity" is "coming for the Known World". He has reigned as the elected King of Daramar for more than 60 years.   The early years of his reign were markedly different, being a typical Daraman King in fulfilling his royal duties and responsibities, keeping the Kingdom running but taking no initative to govern directly, instead leaving it to the federated Duchies of Daramar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since returning from his World Pilgrimage in 412 PE (2230 AS), Oréstund hasn't left the Royal Temple. Advisors, nobles, and even the heads of the Last Great Clans that have questioned this or investigated the circumstances of his last Pilgrimage have mysteriously dissappeared, died in 'accidents', or even been accused of treason or blasphemy and executed publically by the Guardians of the Realm, Oréstund's personal guard.

Mental Trauma

Something happened to him on his World Pilgrimage to turn him into a crazed, unstable ruler.

Personality Characteristics


The Mad King is motivated by an unceasing paranoia that if he fails to prepare the Kingdom of Daramar for "its return", the Known World of the material plane will be "dissipated". Every law, every action, every moment is focused towards doing what he thinks is necesary to protect the Daramans.

Virtues & Personality perks

It's said that before the fracturing of his personality that he was a curious, studious king in the veign of an ancient Feloran or Aeillan Emperor, a philosopher-King who cared immensely for the culture and ways of his society.


Family Ties

The Uhok Clan is one of the five "Last Great Clans", ancient Daraman clans that have survived the broader assimilation of individual Daraman clans into a singular society.


Orestund is known for frantic gibbering, whispering to himself, and for having a perpetual look of anguish when in rest.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2210 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: PC Shot by Midjourney, from Prompt by Javak
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