Playable Races in the Known World

This is a list of the currently native to the Known World of Getninia with brief descriptions, and, if possible links to the corresponding article.  

The Major Races

Representing the most influential, populous, and widespread of the major races,, and perhaps most importantly, those that can claim to possess large, and at least fairly organized states to which they can claim refuge. The major races tend to populate the central territories near the Taelestrian Sea and Yulan Ocean, where the thriving trade routes produce inordinate amounts of material wealth for the general populace, and trigger booming populations necessary to develop well organized and ordered states. Others have only recently organized, forming into dynamic conquering states that are very much on the ascension even away from established centers of power.  


Species | Dec 26, 2022

Humans are a widespread and influential race in Getninia, being seen as ambitious civilization builders, particularly among the longer lived races of the world.

Humans are a sentient species native to the Galisean continent of Getninia. They are among the most widespread, and populous species in Getninia with millions of humans living throughout the world. Humans have formed a number of major civilizations largely in southern Galisea, and have attained a relatively high level of development in the more concentrated societies found there. Levels of development gradually dissipate in less dense human civilizations though the overwhelming majority of humans have at least adopted animal husbandry, or agriculture, as well as having functioning, and often hierarchical societies. Humans are also quite migratory with large numbers of them moving into nonhuman societies.   Humans can be found filling any number of social niches and professions with human rulers, craftspeople, farmers, hunters, soldiers, priests, and any of a number of other types of social roles being filled by humans either in their own societies, or as strangers in strange lands. The are known, at least among longer lived races, as being driven and ambitious, and as a result many turn to a life of adventure to seek out fame and fortune. Due to the generally social nature others turn to adventuring to protect loved ones, or to bring prestige to their social group.  


Species | Dec 22, 2023

Elves are an almost otherwordly race known for their academics and magic, influential in Getninia though slow to adapt to the changing world.

Native to the continent of Felora the elves are a major force in the politics of the Known World, thanks in large part due to their proximity of nearly all of their major societies to the central transoceanic Feloran and Galisean Trade Route. Feloran states, those that represent the bulk of the elven population, are some of the most organized and developed in the world, though a fair number of them have gone into decline since the collapse of the Feloran Empire five centuries ago. Elven societies, as a rule, are also more stable than many others thanks to the long lifespans of the elves, and thus greater continuity of governance, and institutional experience, as well as, in some states, ready access to education and a higher percentage of skilled workers.   Elves, in their homeland tend possess a wide variety of professions, but often they are sought out for education, skills, and magical talent that can only reliably be refined over decades or even centuries of life. Among other races they are known as somewhat haughty, but nearly peerless in the skills that the choose to pursue. Elven adventurers tend to be younger members of their race embracing the energy and ambition that their youth has bestowed upon them, and thus they frequently take up the sword to seek out new experiences and thrills, things that cannot be obtained in the relatively safe elven homelands.  


Species | Jun 26, 2024

Dwarves are a squat , and hardy race of sentient beings, stereotypically associated with craftwork and music.

Dwarves are a sentient species native to the Galisean and Feloran continents of Getninia. They are widespread, and fairly populous, being scattered in several compact civilizations primarily in Galisea, with one, arguably two Dwarven dominant societies in Felora as well. Dwarven socieites, as a rule, are some of the most advanced in the known world, with a number of extremely advanced technologies originating from Dwarven lands and spreading from there.   Dwarves, particularly those in non-Dwarven society are more likely take up skilled trades than is the norm, with disproportionately large numbers of smiths, carpenters, masons, and other skilled workers counted among the dwarves. Dwarven adventurers are relatively common, with many taking up the axe to bring honor to their families, or to destroy enemies of dwarvenkind that lurk in the dark places of the world.  


Species | Jan 12, 2024

Hardy, and generally nomadic beings spread throughout Galisea and Felora.

The Orcish people, thought to be native to Galisea, but having substantial populations in both Galisea, and in Felora are the most recent peoples to join the dominant major powers after Feloran settlements have congealed into a respectable state, and as the Terruk orcs conquered their neighbors including a number of client races to form the Terruk-Mal. The Terruk in particular are somewhat underdeveloped compared to the wealthier coastal civilizations, but has benefitted immensely from control of the trade going through centreal Galisea.   Being stronger than most other sentient beings, the Terruk are often favored for tasks that require brute strength; and indeed are sometimes even outright enslaved and made to serve as beasts of burden. In their own societies orcish peoples are allowed to express a greater variety of tendences, free from the prejudices of other, more settled peoples. For those that do become adventurers, there is a strong desire to prove oneself to the community, and that is often the driving force for those taking up adventuring work.  


Species | Apr 6, 2023

Half-Elves are widespread sentient hybrid species native primarily to the area surrounding the Tealestrian Sea.

Initially discounted as a minor anomaly, the race of half-elven peoples has, in the post Feloran Imperial world, exploded into global prominence. Initially, the half-even people were the product of itnerbreeding, largely between Galisean humans and Feloran elves, but has since slowly developed into a viable population in its own right, and indeed the Dotharan Alliance has become a powerful and predominantly half-elven state and one of the important mercantile states fueling the development of the known world.   Half-Elves are known to be charismatic and charming negotiators among other people, with their mixed parentage being a legacy of interracial relations, as such they can frequently be found as merchants, sailors, and diplomats among others, though they do have a more robust society of their own. Half-Elves that seek out lives of adventure tend to seek out new experiences, and to travel the breadth of the world.  

The Minor Races

Races with smaller, more localized control of their fate, and with smaller societies are considered minor races. Minor races, while still quite common among adventuring parties are nonetheless pushed towards the periphery of civilization, often inland, or otherwise isolated from the major trade networks. Their societies are often stable, but not as developed as those of the major races.  


Species | Jun 11, 2023
Small folk settled primarily in western Galisea, halflings have established long standing, and stable, if localized societies in The Kingdom of Nimeara and to a lesser extent in Elleryca (sharing the land of the confederacy with humans), as well as having another small Enclave in Tiefen (north of Volgeberg). Halflings tend to prefer living amongst their kin, and rarely travel far from their extended families unless they are forced to, which has stunted the spread of halflings throughout the world.   Halflings tend to prefer simple professions, close to home, or at least those that live within the cultural norms of halfling society do. Indeed, among non halflings there is a reputation of the people as being homely and hospitable, if lacking in drive. Those that do adventure are seen as deviations from the norm, and many are societal outcasts taking up adventure either to willingly seek out a free and adventurous life free of the constraints of their society, or are forced out by it, likely for getting into too much mischief at home.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the Halfling stats present in the Player's Handbook. Lightfoot, and Stout Halfling subraces are suitable.


Species | May 22, 2023
The half-orcish peoples formerly lived throughout central Galisea alongside humans and orcs as well as their kin in loosely affiliated tribal confederacies. As the Terruk expanded however, many of these existing groups were overthrown and subsumed into the Terruk-Mal. One of the larger confederacies, the Aarumites fled into the Nabari Plateau to establish a new society, and other tribes exist at the fringes of Terruk territory or in the southern frontiers of the Frostvellr. This disruption has however, seen a steep increase in the number of strictly half-orcish tribes.   Half-Orcs stereotypically are depicted as save warriors, especially by those societies who fall victim to raids, and indeed half-orcish societies, as a rule are fairly high violence. However, most half-orcs are usually relatively peaceful nomadic herders, taking up raids infrequently as a means to obtain more income. The tough life of half-orcish tribesmen however, does make for excellent warriors, and a goodly number of half-orcs take up the blade to win glory and treasure for themselves.   In DnD 5e, use the Half-Orc stats present in the Player's Handbook, pg 40. In Pathfinder 2e, use the Half-Orc stats present in the Core Rulebook, pg. 55.  


Species | Sep 26, 2022

A race of birdfolk hailing from the elemental plane of Air that have established a new home in Galisea.

A proud race of birdfolk formerly native to central Galisea, but made to move west during the Feloran Invasions, the Aarakocra have established their new Aerie in the somewhat habitable Nabari Plateau. Their lands have diminished in recent years, having lost a lot of territory to the Aarumites, and indeed the Aerie of Nabiu is almost entirely dependent on the assistance of Cyrenica to survive. This has forced a number of Aarakocra to scatter to distant lands.   Aarakocra have relatively short lifespans with most barely living to see their fourth decade, and as a result, their society leans heavily upon ancestral knowledge, and indeed they are home some of the most skilled necromancers in the world, though their skills are primarily for the preservation of the elders than for anything nefarious. Those who adventure tend to desire achieving something great within their own lives, to break the ancestral chains placed upon them by their people.  


Species | May 16, 2023

A race of short, inquisitive and somewhat quirky sentient beings, living in isolated pockets throughout Galisea

Once a far more prominent race of peoples, gnomes have seen most of their civilizations go into steady decline, breaking up and collapsing, or being subsumed into ascendant societies. Of the gnomish societies that once existed throughout Galisea, only Dala-Dava, clinging to a secure fjord in the far northeast of the continent remains. Gnomish society instead mostly continues on as the clientele of powerful human or dwarven states.   Gnomes have a reputation among outsiders to their cultures as being those to live in the moment and generally enjoying life. Indeed, many gnomes take on a skilled trade to create small toys and wonders which are often used to pull pranks on their compatriots. Many gnomes set off from their communities to seek out new experiences and to squeeze the thrill of danger out of every potentially deadly encounter, to bring stories back to their communities after a long and storied adventuring career.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, dwarves primarily use the gnome stats presented in the Player's Handbook. Deep, Forest, and Rock Gnomes are suitable subraces  


Formerly a power influence in southeastern Galisea the hobgoblin people have been scattered to the four winds by the conquest of foreign powers. The largest society of hobgoblins, and the heart of goblinoid civilization FuĂ­guo, lost a lot of territory, and was eventually seized and made into a lordship by the Terruk-Mal. The other society with strong hobgoblin influence is Okunokan, which is shared between the lordships of goblinoids, and humans, though the regnant Emperor is and has been a human. Hobgoblins have also founded and been the core of a number of militant organizations and mercenary bands that frequently serve the purpose of providing a home for dispossessed goblinoids.   Hobgoblins are, traditionally the middle and upper castes of goblinoid societies, taking part in the skilled trades, and formerlly serving as the core of their armies, with cultural emphasis being placed upon pride in excellence. This cultural through line has continued in a somewhat diminished capacity, and hobgoblins tend to favor skilled trades, and of course war for their professions. Outside their own communities, hobgoblins are frequently seen as haughty and ruthless peoples with a penchant for violence, yet capable of creating great beauty. Adventuring is a natural profession for many hobgoblins, who sometimes prefer a chance to carve out their own fame and glory free from the relatively strict militaristic societies that they form amongst themselves, and indeed many hobgoblin adventurers are relatively recent veterans of mercenary bands.   In 5th In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the hobgoblin stats present in the Volo's Guide to Monsters.  


Though formerly possessors of fairly sizable societies in their own right, the loss of their territories in the ancient past has reduced the dragonborn in Galisea to roving bands, or wandering individuals eeking out existence within the currently reigning societies. In Felora, they managed to survive the advent of the Felorans but have been reduced to single relatively small state in the form of the Tcharss'tai Pact a fairly loose confederation of smaller dragonborn fiefdoms. In recent years the Pact has grown in centralization however, and the dragonborn may soon be major players once more.   Dragonborn can be seen in any number of professions, but often see discrimination in non-dragonborn societies, for their monstrous appearance. They are frequently stereotyped as mysterious, and proud beings, often prone to strong emotions. Dragonborn peoples are often pulled into adventuring when they want to get away from their homes, a sense of wanderlust or desire for glory being critical driving forces for dragonborn adventurers.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the kenku stats present in Player's Handbook. The Draconid UA material is also suitable, though with a reccomended Ability Score mod of +2 Str, +1 Cha, Metallic and Chromatic dragonborn are suitable, Gem dragonborn are not.  


Indigenous to Felora, the Tortle people are a somewhat secretive and isolated peoples. Most Tortles find their home in the relatively isolated Kingdom of Daramar, with the their second largest community being on Bermar, and villages scattered throughout the Tealestrian Sea. Tortles are relatively rare outside their scattered homelands though many do often travel, taking to the ocean as sailors, as fishers or or as pirates.   Tortles in their own homelands are capable of any number of lifestyles and professions; but they have a reputation among outsiders as being both strong and wise, and often making for perfect trackers and survivalists. Indeed, a fair number of particularly ambitious tortles seek out lives as wilderness scouts, and rangers learning to protect their own homelands, and eventually to walk the far wilds and even the planes.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the tortle stats present in the The Tortle Package.  


The presumably native peoples of the island of Leandris, Tabaxi long lived in loose tribal societies scattered around their home island. The winds of change, have arrived however when the rapid explosion of maritme activity over the Taelestrian Sea and Yulan Oceans have seen a blooming of commerce on their island, and the birth of a number of tabaxi-run city states on top of others colonized by foreigners. Some Tabaxi resent this change, attacking foreign cities in an attempt to drive them away, others are more ammenable to foreigners, and benefit from the increase of trade going through the region.   Among outsiders, Tabaxi have accquired a reputation for being mercurial, and curious, a reputation resulting from their interactions with tabaxi that have, by some contrivance of fate have been struck by a sense of wanderlust. Such tabaxi are often those most likely to seek adventure, wanting to learn new stories, uncover the secrets of ancient artifacts, and to plumb the depths of long abandoned tombs and temples.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the tabaxi stats present in the Volo's Guide to Monsters.

The Outlander Races

Those who live in relatively scattered, isolated communities with a fairly low level of development are considered outlander races. Outlanders lack any large organized societies and often form tribal organizational patterns. Such societies are often quite violent either from within, or often from without as their civilizations are often the targets of raids from stronger powers.  

Goblins and Bugbears

Long the victims of imperial ambition, the 'lesser' goblinoid races of the bugbears and goblins have frequently been treated as slaves by a series of overlords from their hobgoblin bretheren, to humans, to the Terruk Orcs. Those that have broken from from such constraints frequently make home in the mountains on the fringes of civilization eeking out existence as independent tribes, or as loose vassals of the Terruk-Mal.   Goblins and Bugbears often live short, harsh lives, with most living their lives as hunter-gatherers, or simply pillaging settlements if necessary. Living in a high violence society however makes for extremely good stock as adventurers, and many goblins and bugbears take up the blade on a permanent basis often to secure wealth to buy them an existence far more comfortable than they would otherwise obtain in their homelands.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the goblin and bugbear stats present in the Volo's Guide to Monsters.  


Calling the swamps of southern Galisea home, lizardfolk prefer to live in localized hunter-gatherer societies, keeping themselves strong by scratching out an existince in a harsh environment. They frequently learn to craft weapons and armor from the creatures they kill on the hunt, making use of every part of the bodies of their prey in the fight for survival. These communities are often tightly nit, though somewhat strange seeming to outsiders; but often very small in number rarely numbering more than a hundred souls and often much less.   Most lizardfolk lead simple if violent lives as hunters in the swamps of their homes. Outsiders often are disgusted by the more unusual practices of the Lizardfolk, but cannot deny the efficiency of lizardfolk in making use of the environment around them. Proper lizardfolk adventurers are rare, and usually come about when one encounters a party of mammalian adventurers that they feel the need to protect. Such parties are then "adopted" by the lizardperson who offers to protect the hapless soft ones.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the lizardfolk stats present in the Volo's Guide to Monsters.  


Small creatures predominantly at home in dank caves in the underdark or in the deepest woodlands or swamps, away from the sun which burns their eyes. Kobolds frequently gather in small tribal societies that are highly stratified and organized despite their small size, and these societies frequently promote intense societal collectivization. In the rare instances larger tribes are formed, they are largely the result of a nearby dragons starting a local cult and recruiting kobolds into it.   In their own societies there is a relatively high level of social organization and a clear delineation and organziation of labor despite their small size, and thus kobolds can take up a number of professions. Foreigners have a more negative opinion of kobold seeing them as potentially dangerous nuisances. Kobold adventurers are rare, and usually outcasted from their societies.   kobold stats present in the Volo's Guide to Monsters. The Draconid UA material is also suitable, though with a reccomended Ability Score mod of +2 Dex, +1 Int.  


Living in the frozen mountainous regions on the eastern fringes of Jorgmark, the Frostvellr, and the mountains of Bing-Shan, goliaths tend to congregate into small tribes. Their intensely competitive culture makes it challenging to get into larger groupings, as the competition for status and power tears apart large organizations relatively quickly. Rarely, the tribes of Bing-Shan get together and form a state, but these attempts are often short lived. However, Goliaths tend to prefer smaller groups, as they are also easier to maintain within the harsh conditions in which they live.   Goliaths tend to be strong, and reasonably skilled survivalists thanks in large part due to the environmental conditions in which they live. This has contributed to the sterotype of Goliaths peerless athletes... but with little sense of humor, and virtually no tolerance for weakness. Goliaths often take up adventuring as a way of outcompeting rivals, using the tales of the enormous monsters they slew, and treasures they won as a way of demonstrating their superiority.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the goliath stats present in the Elemental Evil Player's Companion.  


  At home in the forests of the southernmost reaches of Pojihon, in Tiefen, some parts of Erigan, and scattered throughout the rest of Western Galisea, the Firbolg are largely content to keep their communities small, and in tune with their natural environment. Such communities are often centered around familial groupings, and are often quite closely knit.   Firbolg often take up a number of professions in their own societies, but almost all have an emphasis on stewardship of the environment. Most foreigners have no concept of what Firbolg are like, but their neighbors typically stereotype firbolg communities as peaceful if isolationist natural stewards. Those firbolg that take up the sword frequently do so to achieve some goal for the local community.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the firbolg stats present in Volo's Guide to Monsters.

The Wandering Races

Those with no set homeland; often themselves half-breeds, or outcast from society, sometimes even outright enslaved by others are the Wandering races. People from such background often form small minority communities in larger states, or otherwise seek out their own fortunes, and often make for ready adventurers.  


Species | Dec 5, 2022

A race of flightless birdfolk that have become treated as second class citizens by their own kin, and the wider world.

For as long as any can remember the Kenku have been subjects of Aarakocra overlords, with Aarakocra, in large part, lording their natural ability to fly over their raven feathered cousins. The cruelty of this system becomes apparent when kenku are regularly traded like livestock to other slaving powers, which has seen the dawn of a kenku diaspora as the kenku have spread throughout the whole of southern Galisea. Kenku who escape their bonds sometimes go even further afield fleeing to Leandris or Felora even.   Kenku are often enslaved to work as scribes, or as acrobatic entertainers. Those that escape this life often turn to crime, or mercenary work to survive. This has fostered a reputation of kenku as criminals by outsiders, often those who cannot or will not reflect on the cruel conditions imposed upon them. Kenku often take up adventuring out of necessity, needing money to survive, or a highly mobile group of friends and profession that allows them to stay away from hounding slavers.


Species | Dec 5, 2022

A race of birdfolk that take up the likeness of owls. They are recent arrivals to the known world having come from the Air Plane in the past couple centuries.

Owlin, sometimes colloquially referred to as Owlkocra by denizens of the material plane, are recent arrivals from another world. Claiming a distant kinship with the more familiar Aarakocra, they frequently live among their fellow avians. Otherwise they make their homes in small communities over their own, rarely living amongst the other races of the world. Owlin communities are frequently quite small and isolated from one another, and often mounted in high trees of thick forests that they can keep an eye on intruders.   Owlins are frequently confused for Aarakocra despite the clear visual differences between the two. As a result they are generally treated by outsiders as if they were Aarakocra. This means that for many Galisean societies they are treated distantly, or sometimes targeted by slavers. Owlin, being foreign to this world disproportionately take up adventure, often out of a sense of Wanderlust and wanting to discover this new world, others wish to protect their own communities from outsiders.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the owlin stats present in Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.  

The Planetouched

Species | Dec 6, 2022

A catchall term for persons who have extraplanar heritage, or are descended from those who were marked by the planes.

Descended from those who had children with planar outsiders, or those that bear the planar mark, the planetouched; aasimar, genasi, and tieflings are a culturally diverse lot whose relatively small numbers have meant that they have no real community of their own. Rather, the planetouched are often included in the home culture where they were born, or forced to become solitary outcasts depending on the local's opinions of planetouched beings.   Planetouched are generally regarded as being otherworldly, and somewhat strange; rarely ever able to properly fit into society. This can sometimes been reflected in great exaltation, but can just as often result in scorn or oppression. It is for these reasons that the planetouched are often ready adventurers, traveling throughout the known world and seeking payment for services rendered before moving on to the next job before their nature becomes too apparent.


  By their very nature adaptable shapeshifters, changelings are often both at home, and outcast foreigners everywhere they go. How they are treated often relies upon the local views of the changelings. In some societies they are largely left alone, but in other, more distrusting societies the very nature of changelings sees them subjugated and oppressed, and sometimes even killed outright simply for the threat caused by their abilitie.   Changelings are often reluctant adventurers, with a great many trying simply to blend into wider society to avoid undue oppression from others. However, many other changelings embrace their abilities using them to establish themselves as excellent spies, or thieves, and indeed a rare few even take up wandering mercenary adventuring work.   In 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, use the changeling stats found in Eberron: Rising from the Last War.  


Species | Dec 16, 2022

A species of people who have cast off humanity to embrace the serpent. Or their descendants.

  Descended from ancient humans that cast aside their humanity on falses promises of power made by a dark god the Yuan-Ti are a virtually extinct people that were scattered to the winds following the fall of their ancient empire. Most live among their successors in isolated communities trying simply to survive among peoples whom some deem as pale imitators to their own civilization. Yuan-Ti frequently pass for humans and often live among them though a handful were scattered further afield and live among people other than their old bretheren.   Most Yuan-Ti generally prefer to remain in the shadows, avoiding frequent contact with outsiders, with those familiar with their kind speaking of heirs to a decadent and long fallen empires. Some communities of these people have changed from the days of yore, adopting a path different than that set by their divine patron. Others maintain the old ways and the strict hierarchy that defined the latter days of their empire. Those that do seek the path of adventure often seek to leave the strictures of their own culture, though a fair few also search for power that they can utilize to advance their status within the power structure.  


Species | Sep 16, 2022
Vanishingly rare relics of an ancient time, long before even the Great Cataclysm that ravaged the known world, the warforged are sentient biomechanical machines that wander the world. Now without their long forgotten masters, they are free, and indeed obligated to seek their own fortunes. There are estimated to be fewer than a hundred warforged operational in the known world. Their lack of a home and reslience makes them ideal adventurers and indeed almost all known warforged have take up adventuring as a profession.  

Extra-planar Races

Those with no native populations to the Known World, who hail from other planes of existence such as the Feywilds, Elemental, or Outer Planes, are known as the extra-planar races. People from such background are rarities in the Known World, and those who aren't visitors from their native planes are left serving powerful wizards, secret orders, or powerful leaders.


Species | Jan 4, 2024

The Feywild's pre-eminent sentient race with free will. They do not leave their native realm in large numbers, electing to provide sagely advice to their Elven cousins most of the time.

Living relatives of those Elves who never left the plane of twilight, the Eladrin are a sentient species native to the spirited realm of the feywilds. They are believed to be more akin to the first Elves to arrived in the material plane of the Known World untold thousands of years ago. Most do not venture outside of their native plane, and those that do are generally mystics or spiritual advisors to various religious orders, royal courts, and secret societies.

Cover image: PC Shot by Midjourney, from Prompt by Javak