
The title of Proconsul (Feminine: Proconsula) was first codified during the establishment of the Ilosi Republic as the head of state for the Republic in EF 293. It lost a great amount of political clout when the Aeillan Empire overthrew the old Republic, and was abolished completely in reforms made during the Late Imperial Period. In recent days however, the title of Proconsul was revieved by the republican movement of Nikea to entitle their new head of state.


The Proconsul must be Senator, indeed they must be a particularly powerful senator. Historically the Ilosi Republic gave the title of Proconsul to the seniormost Consul available, typically in the last term before retirement. The Empire, and the Nikean Republic elected a Proconsul, though most Imperial Proconsouls continued the tradition of Seniority.


The Proconsul is elected by the Senate as its highest president, and the first among equals for the Consuls in a large republic. A prospective Proconsul, barring exceptional circumstances (such as that for the first Proconsul of the Nikean Republic), the Proconsul must been seen as unimpeachably uncontroversial, and must therefore be elected with a fairly sizable supermajority.


The Proconsul, during the Ilosi Republic, and within the Nikean Republic is the head of state and government. During the period of the Aeillan Empire, this was initially truncated to merely head of the legislature, before increasing Imperial power wore down even these responsibilities. In a strong Proconsulship however, the Proconsul is expected to appoint commanders of the military, manage the upper ranks of the civil service, and greet foreign dignitaries.


On a day to day basis, the Proconsul presides over the Senate, the Consulships, and is responsible for enforcing procedure on the Senate floor. The Proconsul is also responsible for appointing high ranking civil servants, and military officers (usually granting such postings to their Consuls), or to lead armies on campaigns. The Proconsul is also the chief diplomat and is expected to receive foreign dignitaries, or otherwise appoint competent officials to do so in their stead.


The Proconsul are generally much better paid than other Consuls, and, in Nikea have access to a state sponsored place of residence. Proconsuls are given power to censure other Consuls, and other Senators, and are given the power to eject unruly people from the Senate when it is in session. This affords them great political power, as the definition of disorderly can be stretched by the Proconsul. Proconsuls in Nikea are  afforded a retinue of armed soldiers who can serve as bodyguards.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The chief badge of office for the Proconsul is the fasces, which they are occasionally expected to carry in major official senatorial ceremonies. It differs from a Consular fasces in that its central core is composed of a torch instead of an axe. The Proconsul is also given ceremonial robes, and a gavel that are always worn to sessions of the Senate. The Gavel in particular is a necessary tool in that it is used to signal procedural measures, and to keep order in the Senate.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The office of Proconsul is expected to be an honored position of retirement, and as a result, though it have the longest term, ten years, it is strictly limited to a single, ten year term, and has been since the heyday of the Ilosi Republic. Additionally, a Proconsul can be removed and executed, if found and proven at trial to have committed treason against the state, or gross acts of abuse of the office.


The title of Proconsul, dervived from the Cyrenica Praeconcilus was established with the Foundation of the Ilosi Republic. It was initially a purely ceremonial position of honor among the college of Consuls, but gradually gained increasing powers throughout the history of the Ilosi Republic. Eventually the power of the Consul was not entirely dissmilar from the powers of later Emperors serving as a unilateral executive authority over the Late Ilosi Republic.   When the Aeillan Empire was overthrown, the office of Proconsul was dramatically decreased in power, with the Emperor taking charge of most executive functions. This trend continued throughout the Imperial period, particularly in the Later Imperial when the old republican offices proved increasingly rebellious. Eventually the powers of the Senate, and of the Proconsul were almost entirely abolished with the establishment of the Exarchate System. The already ceremonial position was made defunct when the Empire fell.   The position of Proconsul was revived with the establishment of the Nikean Republic however. Granted significant powers, but with substantial formal, and especially informal checks on their authority. The new office of Proconsul has been seen by some, as a further statement of intent by the new Nikean state to reclaim the glories of old and reunify the Aeillan civilization.

Cultural Significance

The restoration of the office of Proconsul, long defunct, has established a certain pan-nationalist drive among the mercantile and skilled classes of people. Much like with the title of Basileus, it harkens back to the days of Aeilla's old glories, however, as the Proconsul derives their powers from an elected senate, it bears much strong democratic, and enlightened implications in the minds of some, who would see the aristocracy overthrown and replaced with a new order.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
His/Her/Thier/Your Excellency
Alternative Naming
Equates to
Emperor, Basileus (or subordinate only to them), Soàntre
Source of Authority
The Senate
Length of Term
ten years, nonrenewable