

Lord of Darkness and Chaos

Voylēshe is the main adversary of Eshe, the supreme deity in Ashvetisim, as mentioned in Ashevite scripture, the Zehlat. Also known as the Uncreated Evil in Common, Voylēshe is a the chief antagonistic diety in the Ashevite faith, opposite the venerated and cosmic force for Good, Eshe, also sometimes called the Uncreated Good. Though first mentioned by this name in the vision of Uriret, Voylēshe likely has many names and exists in many other faiths.   According to the Zehlat, Voylēshe "corrupts all that with Eshe creates", and is "unable to create life or build anything on their own". As chief destructive spirit, they are the God of Lies, Darkness, Treachery, and a lithany of other things. In some communities of Ashevites, they are viewed as the twin of Eshe, created and made manifest through the worst impulses of the prehistoric mortals.

Divine Domains

They are a spirit of evil, chaos, destruction, and the God of Demons in the Nimearan faith. Voylēshe is the ruler of the Domains of Corruption, Chaos, and Destruction; Creator of Pain, Spreader of Darkness and unnatural Death.

Holy Books & Codes

As the divine antagonist of Ashvetism, any holy books on the Uncreated Evil have been targets of destruction in the earliest years of the Ancient Nimearan Kingdom. In the one instance in the hymns of the Zehlat where the word appears, the concept spoken of is that of Eshe's – itself meaning mind, spirit, or abstract energy – but one that is the "anti-spirit", or Voylēshe. This destructive, chaotic, disorderly, inhibitive, and malignant force is manifested through mortal actions as the Uncreated Evil. In this single instance – in Passage 6, Line 45.2 – the “more bounteous of the spirits twain” declares Voylēshe to be its “absolute antithesis”.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His name in Nimearan is "վոյլեշէ" and is traditionally written upside down. Furthermore, it is believed that certain actions and feelings are manifestations of the Uncreated Evil, such manifestations can be rage, fear, and selfishness.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Voylēshe is the source of mortal confusion, disappointment, and strife. They seek to thwart and one day, defeat, Eshe in their eternal quest of creation, life, and creating prosperity.
Divine Classification
Generally male-presenting
Long white, wavy

Character Portrait image: by trekman10