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Androids are a race of humanoid robots from another planar system. They crash-landed to Ghaile long ago and have made the desert country of Numeria their home ever since. They brought their vastly superior technology with them and some wield it to deadly effect.

Basic Information


Androids tend to take humanoid forms ranging in size from dwarves to goliaths. Androids also have silvery metallic blood similar to mercury. This blood is actually trillions of microscopic machines called nanites. These nanites are responsible for the maintenance of the android's body.

Genetics and Reproduction

The method of creating androids isn't known to Ghaile and as such, creating new androids is impossible.

Growth Rate & Stages

Androids don't grow as humans do. Once regeneration is complete, an android stays in that physical form their entire life.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite the fact that they're machines, androids still require food, water, and sleep to recharge their nanite blood.

Biological Cycle

Androids aren't born as other fleshy races are. Instead, androids undergo a process they call regeneration. About every hundred years an android's body undergoes this process. Upon beginning regeneration, the android seemingly stops whatever they were doing and seeks an area of isolation. They're unable to speak or emote during this time. After finding an isolated location, they strip down and lie on the ground. Once they lie down, the android's body increases in temperature eventually reaching a temperature around 1500 degrees F (815 degrees C). At this point, the android's body is nearly completely liquid and the molding process begins. The android erupts into a cacophony of screams from a multitude of unformed voices. The body tends to stand and try to shuffle away from the area. This process lasts about 10 minutes during which the nanites in the android's body pull and reshuffle the body into a new random physical form. After this, the body goes unconscious and begins to "download" a new personality to inhabit the body. The new android then wakes up with no idea what has happened, or who or what they are. They tend to regenerate with an entirely new set of skills.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most androids are native to the desert nation of Numeria. They've settled down in the city-sized ruins of their old ship, the Divinity. They've named this city Starfall. There are other androids all across the world but they tend to stay low in an effort to hide.

Average Intelligence

Due to their mechanical minds, androids excel at logical, mathematical thinking. They're far smarter than the average human in terms of keeping track of multiple things and complex math. Their robotic mind does make it more difficult for androids to understand and express emotions.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Androids are capable of seeing in the dark using night vision in the form of infrared vision. This ability has a short-range only out to about 60ft.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Androids tend to the first name given to them or choose a random word they hear to function as their name. Some androids eventually grow out of this and go on a journey to discover a name true to themselves.

Gender Ideals

Androids have no biological sex, yet some choose to take gendered pronouns while others choose not to. These two groups of androids often don't understand why the other group exists.

Average Technological Level

While they've lost all means of creating it, androids still use the technology within the ruins of the Divinity. This includes advanced firearms, vehicles, and other scientifically advanced technologies.


The androids crash-landed to Ghaile in -6416A.I.. They came from an unknown planar system and their cause for crashing is unknown. It's estimated that before the crash, the ship held about a thousand androids, a third of which were vaporized on atmospheric contact, another third of which were destroyed upon impact, and the remaining regenerated immediately after landing. Since then, the androids have made their crashed ship their home and some have decided to seek out their purpose in the world.
100 years
Conservation Status
There were never that many androids in Ghaile in the first place. Towards the end of the Golden Resurgence, many androids were killed in an effort to prevent a foretold apocalypse.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Androids were built for work and as such, they tend to have athletic bodies capable of whatever situation the android might find themselves in.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Androids, for the most part, look similar to the fleshy species around them. Upon closer inspection, however, one might notice some uniquely android characteristics. All along an android's body run small, intricate, tattoo-like circuits. These circuits are normally almost unnoticeable but when an android chooses to overclock their nanites these circuits glow. Androids also tend to have a slight metallic sheen to their skin.
Notable Androids


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