Origin of Talisman Tuners

The founding free races created the Talisman Tuners in an effort to recover any that might have gone missing. They were worth finding because the creation process was quite difficult and arduous.   Material List
1 oz dwarven adamantite
2 oz Elven elderflint (a stone with mild magical properties)
3 oz Halfing Goldleaf (a pipeleaf)
4 oz Gnomish Brantica (a rare root)
  Assemble all ingredients in a copper pot and seal with black wax. Bring the sealed copper pot to the bottom of Trindel Deep and let rest for 1 hour. Retrieve pot and bring to surface, unseal, and remove tuner.   Properties
The Talisman tuner will evoke a faint hum when any tasliman is within 180', and the wielder will have a general sense which direction to go to get closer. The hum sounds like a hundred different voices, of many races, in a soft and pleasant harmony.


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