Ahmz kihaziin - Bellow Bone Players

The Daughters of the First Hatch are the only members of the Ziuanth tribe allowed to play the Ahmz kihazin, sacred hallowed out bone instruments. The often play during important government events, during important religious ceremonies, and always play when the Chants of Semuanya are read to honor the deity Semuanya. Performances outside of these sacred functions is strictly forbidden.  


The group, Ahmz Kihaziin, shares its name with the instruments they play. Ahmz Kihazin roughly translates to bellow-bone in common. These long cylindrical instruments made out of bone are usually 3-9 feet long. The longer the instrument the lower the pitch.   There are three sections of the instrument: the head, the body and the tail. Each section is made out of a carved crocodile vertebrae. Players are responsible for carving their own unique head section. Common inscriptions include depictions of their standing within the clutch, important deeds they have done in service to Semuanya and the tribe, and blessings they request from Semuanya. the body is decorated with significant historical events in the tribe and each inscription highlights the way Semuanya acted to help make these events a reality. The tail section is decorated with Semuanya's traditional characterization of two crocodiles oppositely arched with their backs touching. To damage the instrument is to damage the connection with Semuanya.  


All Daughters of the First Hatch are responsible for learning how to carve bone and play the ahmz kihazin, as the instrument is seen as a conduit and a magnifier for Semuanya's spirit. Daughters of the previous Queen's first clutch are responsible for instructing and mentoring the current clutch on proper care and technique. Members of the previous clutch are allowed to play with the current clutch, although they are expected to transition out of the group once they feel their mentee is proficient.
Entertainment, Music band
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