Alaistair Cruxley

Before there was a Mythic Order of the Black Dawn, there was Alaistair Cruxley—a man whose insatiable thirst for arcane knowledge and disdain for authority were the building blocks of a revolution. Picture a man with piercing eyes that have seen the unspeakable, a silver tongue coated in eldritch incantations, and hands stained with the residual essence of countless forbidden spells. This was Cruxley, a necromancer of unparalleled skill, whose audacity to defy both the Magic Coalition and federal laws turned him into a figure of mythical status, a kind of countercultural icon within the underworld of magic practitioners.   A self-proclaimed scholar of the 'Hidden Realms,' Cruxley's expertise in necromantic arts led him to penetrate barriers between the world of the living and the dead. But he wasn't satisfied with merely summoning spirits or reanimating corpses. No, his ambitions aimed higher: unraveling the very fabric of life and death itself, establishing contacts in the spirit world that even the most accomplished mediums wouldn't dare to engage. However, it was this reckless pursuit of mastery over death that led to his corporeal demise. It's said he finally bit off more than he could chew when he attempted to bind his soul into an ancient artifact known as the "Phantom Locket."   The ritual failed—or at least, that's what the limited records say—but Alaistair Cruxley was too stubborn to let death keep him down. His spirit persists to this day, tethered to the plane of the living through a series of intricate magical conduits he established during his lifetime. But Cruxley's existence has taken on a strange twist. The more people talk about him, share stories of his wickedness and spellcraft, the more he evolves into something beyond a mere spirit. His essence is transmuting into a tulpa—a being of thoughtform, molded and empowered by the collective belief and exaggerated tales about him. As this mythical version of himself grows, so does his influence over the Mythic Order of the Black Dawn, though not in any official capacity.   Think of him as a spectral advisor, a ghostly presence looming in the background, whispering insights and cryptic prophecies to the current leaders. Some even believe that the recent surge of paranatural occurrences in Ghostwood might be the foretelling of Cruxley's grand return, where his tulpa form could manifest into something much more corporeal and potent. In death, as in life, Alaistair Cruxley remains a force to be reckoned with—a paradoxical figure who both embraces and defies the chaos he so passionately advocated for.
Current Status
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Transmuted soul to spirit world performing Phantom Locket spell
Place of Death
Cruxley's Tower in the Nihility Nexus
School of Necromancy
Aligned Organization
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