Albert Tuscany

Master Sage of White Magic Albert Bianchi (a.k.a. Albert Tuscany)

Albert Bianchi, known more commonly as Albert "Tuscany", is an ancient wizard with a specialization in white/practical magic. Born in Italy around 275 years ago, his last name, Bianchi, which translates to "white" in Italian, subtly references his magical specialization. The moniker "Tuscany" stuck during his studies in a school within the hills of France, distinguishing him from another Albert in the same class, due to his Italian origins.   Albert's lineage and early life were deeply entrenched in the rich tapestry of Italy's Renaissance period, a time when the lines between science, magic, and the occult blurred. Inspired by the works of historical figures such as Giordano Bruno and Paracelsus, Albert delved into the realms of hermeticism, alchemy, and the mysticism of the natural world, shaping his path as a practitioner of white magic. This magical discipline, focused on healing, protection, and restoration, has granted him near-immortality, a common trait among masters of this school.


Contacts & Relations

Albert Bianchi is the founder and a leading figure of the Magic Coalition in the pocket realm of Etherea, a sanctuary accessible only to magic wielders. Here, alongside masters of other magical disciplines, he oversees a small school dedicated to nurturing the next generation of magic practitioners. This coalition embodies Albert's vision for peace and coexistence between the magical and human worlds.   Drawn to Ghostwood by its unique paranormal activity, Albert discovered Boogey Hollow, a hidden town in the northern forests serving as a refuge for monsters seeking a balance between seclusion and proximity to human civilization. Recognizing the town's need for protection and the opportunity it represented for peaceful coexistence, Albert vowed to safeguard this community, thus establishing his current residence in Boogey Hollow.
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