Barry Delavar

"Knock on wood!"

Barry Delavar (a.k.a. Barry the Brave)

Meet Barry Delavar – the one-eyed manticore with a punk rock soul and claws that have strummed more chords than battles. He's the last of his kind and seeks refuge in Boogey Hollow. As payment he serves as a nightwatch by moonlight and a guitar hero by starlight, Barry's tale is a wild ride of freedom leaps, head-banging riffs, and a relentless quest for a world where growls meet grins, and peace isn't just a dreamy lyric.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Barry Delavar is an imposing figure, standing at 7'9" tall with a physique that radiates raw power and impenetrability. His body is covered in dense, orange fur, interspersed with symmetrical streaks of red fur and metal carapace.

Facial Features

His natural metal carapace forms a dark red and helmet-like shield around his cranium, leaving his rugged feline face exposed. A stark eyepatch covers his right eye - a lasting testament to his escape in his youth.

Special abilities

Barry's friendly demeanor belies his combat capabilities. His scent, almost imperceptible, disarms adversaries, which he uses as an opportunity to engage in an emotional dialogue. When this fails and he is still attacked, his extraordinary strength, lethal claws, and powerful jaws make him a fearsome opponent. His natural metal hide and feline agility give him nigh invulnerability and he can take hits from most things.

Apparel & Accessories

His punk-rock essence is manifested in his attire: a battle-worn red denim vest, replete with buttons and trinkets from his many encounters, and black torn jeans adorned with heavy chain loops. His hands and feet are wrapped in red bandages.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a pack of manticores that eventually were targeted for trafficking by robber barons in the early 20th century, Barry's life took a radical turn when he escaped during transit aboard an exotic zoo cargo train. Though successful, it left him with a permanent reminder of his fierce will to be free - a blinded eye, lost to a tree branch during a daring leap as the train traveled through forest.   He made his way to Ghostwood over the course of the next decade, hitching rides and hiding in cargo trains transporting food. He stayed hidden in Tall Pines until he emerged in the 1960s, mingling with the music scene under the guise of a costumed groupie. Barry was able to see the state of Ghostwood with bands on tour. It was here that Barry developed his talent for playing guitar.


As the nightwatch of the Boogey Hollow Town Center, Barry is not just a guardian but a pillar of the community due to him volunteering himself into the role. He felt stepping into the duty was a way of paying back Boogey Hollow and its residents for allowing him refuge, even though his circumstances are broadly identical to nearly everyone there.

Morality & Philosophy

Guided by his experiences as a manticore, his morality is centered around protection and empathy, especially for the marginalized within the monster community. He advocates for non-violence and understanding, yet is pragmatically prepared to use force when necessary to defend those he cares about. His philosophy champions the ideal of peaceful coexistence between monsters and humans, emphasizing dialogue over confrontation. However, Barry is also a realist who recognizes the historical challenges and animosities that complicate this ideal. His approach to life and conflict is a nuanced balance between nurturing, dialogue, and, when required, decisive strength.

Personality Characteristics


Barry Delavar is driven by a deep-rooted desire to bridge the divide between monsters and humans. He's fueled by a personal commitment to prevent the suffering and marginalization he has witnessed within his community of refuge monsters. Barry seeks to create a world where fear and misunderstanding no longer dictate relationships between different beings. He is held captive by a personal sense of responsibility to use his abilities for the greater good, whether that's through his music, which serves as a platform for advocacy and expression, or through his role as a protector in Boogey Hollow. At the core, Barry's actions are propelled by a hope for a more inclusive and understanding world, coupled with a readiness to take action to make this vision a reality.

Personality Quirks

Barry will often tapping on his metallic cranium and telling others to "knock on wood," producing a resonant clang, when contemplating the outcome of events. It's his go-to catchphrase and uses it in looking at residential conflicts, threats of violence, or when a friend needs some advice.


Hobbies & Pets

When he's not helping others, his focus extends to his music, where he expresses his thoughts and emotions through punk rock narratives. Performing alongside King Fox and Marv Partok, he nurtures his bandmates, especially encouraging Marv's aspirations to sing.   Barry's music, drawing inspiration from icons like Sid Vicious, is an emotional outlet that cleverly allegorizes monster politics. His songs resonate deeply within the monster community, echoing their collective experiences and struggles.
Current Status
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orange fur with red blemishes and natural metal carapace
400 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Knock on wood!"
  • "In every monster's heart, there's a beat that resonates with others. It's not just about survival; it's about living a life that's worth remembering."
  • "I may prefer a friend over a fight any day, but cross the line, and you'll find out why my kind are legends."
  • "In my guitar's cry, the pain of loss; with each strum, a vow for justice."
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