
Crawlspace is a small community of demonoids and other creatures that live beneath the foundation of an old waste processing facility in Lost Valley. Crawlspace is a series of variously tiered tunnels, with walls made entirely of garbage, supported by scrap wood and metal taken from around various buildings in downtown Lost Valley. It's inhabited primarily by parasite demons, ghouls, and a small group of Fae refugees from Wringrun. Most residents are friendly, but there are always rumors of dark things lurking within its labyrinthian corridors. The residents of Crawlspace have no formal government, electing leaders through voting at meetings. There's also a council of elders, who take it upon themselves to make important decisions when the rest of the community can't agree. Crawlspace doesn't get many visitors, as most people prefer not to go down there unless they have to. Some have claimed that it's haunted, but this hasn't been proven either way.
Underground / Vault
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