Erick Spann

Erick Spann is a troubled man with a dark past. He's an orphan whose mother died after giving birth to him, leaving him in the care of his alcoholic father. After discovering his father abusing their family maid, Erick turned to drugs and petty theft to numb his pain and anger at the world. Eventually, he was arrested and convicted of armed robbery, spending two years in prison.   On being released, he joined Hooper's crew and began selling narcotics under the guise of a legitimate business. Hooper took advantage of Spann's emotional trauma by offering to help him get rid of the traumatic memories that still plagued his daily life. He used drugs to do so and eventually developed an addiction to them himself.   He began a flirtatious relationship with Adelynn Abernathy which culminated in the two of them having sex in a Red Lodge prostitute room. This was the same night as Abernathy's disappearance.   Spann was taken into custody as a prime suspect and claimed that Abernathy vanished in a cloud of pink smoke mid-orgasm. CCTV footage supported his claims of innocence but nothing points towards Abernathy's whereabouts. He claims to know nothing else on the matter and has since suffered severe psychological trauma, resulting in a deprivation of sexual desires.
Current Location
Current Residence
Boothe & Silk Apartments
Aligned Organization
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