Frederic Black

Angel of Death Frederic Black (a.k.a. The Walkin’ Man)

Frederic Black was a gunslinging cowboy in the American West at the turn of the 20th century. Known for his unparalleled marksmanship and a stern demeanor that could silence a rowdy saloon, he was a man who sought solitude and purpose in the sprawling landscapes. But destiny had a more extraordinary role for him. One fateful night, the sky split open and the Angel of Death appeared before him, anointing Frederic as his earthly emissary. The role transformed him into a figure that would harken in the "Western Age of Change and Imperialism," a tumultuous time where souls were in great need of reaping. Now, Frederic walks the earth, no longer bound by the limitations of time or mortal coil. His cowboy hat casts a shadow over eyes that have seen centuries pass, and his revolver has been replaced with a more spectral means of reaping souls. His mission is solitary, his judgments final. Under his black duster coat is not just a six-shooter, but the weight of eternal responsibility. And while Frederic might have initially taken the role out of a grim sense of duty, over time he has come to understand the balance he maintains between life and death. Every soul he reaps is a brushstroke in a larger cosmic portrait, one he contributes to under the command of the Angel of Death and the cosmic God of Death, Inpu Wapwawet.
Divine Classification
Angel of Death
Currently Held Titles
Inpu Wapwawet
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