Jerome Kemp

You wouldn't think a man who once blew his last dollar on the roll of a dice would end up ruling over an organization steeped in dark magic and chaotic principles. Yet, that's Jerome Kemp for you—a one-time gambler turned master warlock, who climbed his way up the perilous ladder of the Mythic Order of the Black Dawn. The transition from cards and dice to incantations and curses didn't happen overnight. It started, ironically, with another gamble.   One fateful night, with his pockets empty and his luck burnt out, Kemp found a weather-beaten tarot deck in a dumpster behind one of Ghostwood's seediest casinos. Intrigued, he took it home, and what followed wasn't just a casual dalliance with fortune-telling but a deep dive into a realm he had never dared to venture. The deck became a catalyst, a guide through the maze of mystical secrets and forgotten knowledge. It didn't just predict the future; it altered Kemp's destiny. Leaving behind the trivial world of cards and chips, Kemp immersed himself in the arcane, forsaking old habits and replacing them with a far more potent addiction: the hunger for magical power. His natural aptitude for spellcrafting attracted the attention of the Mythic Order, and before long, he was initiated into their inner circle.   Over the years, Kemp's insatiable thirst for magical potency and his disregard for rules or ethics aligned seamlessly with the Order's core philosophies. As a master warlock, Kemp specializes in reality-bending spells, often using his tarot deck as a focus for his craft. Each card, now imbued with dark enchantments, serves as a key to different spells and rituals. But don't mistake his tarot readings for mere fortune-telling; the cards are instruments of chaos, setting into motion events that could reshape the world—or destroy it.   Taking the reins of the Mythic Order after the spectral retreat of Alaistair Cruxley, Kemp has his own vision for the organization. While he respects the chaotic foundation Cruxley laid, Kemp is more pragmatic; he knows that some semblance of structure and strategy is essential to topple the mighty edifice of The Magic Coalition. After all, even chaos needs a guiding hand.   Unpredictable, manipulative, and ruthlessly cunning, Jerome Kemp has replaced the gambler's high with the intoxication of wielding chaotic forces. He's all in now, betting not just his soul but the very fabric of reality, as he steers the Mythic Order of the Black Dawn towards its anarchic goals. And he's not one to fold, not when the stakes are this monumental.
Current Status
School of Black Magic
Aligned Organization
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