Lionel Black

Sir Lionel Black

Sir Lionel Black, ah, a man of ritual and deep, dark ambition. Hidden behind that suit of night-black armor, he's not just another mystical hoodlum; he's a zealot with a keen understanding of the arcane. His armor is adorned with sigils and glyphs, each carefully etched in a forbidden language that can channel the energies from otherworldly realms. No one's ever seen his face, but rumor has it, looking into his eyes is akin to staring into an endless abyss. His armor doesn't just serve as protection; it's a conduit for the evil magic that seethes from the Book of Darkness.   Now, the Book of Darkness he wields isn't some run-of-the-mill spellbook; it's authored by Lucius Malfacent, the High Demon King of Black Magic himself. That tome is laced with incantations so vile, so antithetical to life and reality, that mere mortals could be driven mad by just glancing at its pages. It's bound in skin from creatures that have never seen the light of day and inked in blood harvested under a lunar eclipse. Black uses it to tap into the most malevolent forces in the universe, and he knows just how to weave those forces into curses that could make even the most hardened IPC agents reconsider their career choices.   He's a scholar of the dark arts, meticulous in his approach, but don't mistake his restraint for weakness. If there's one thing you should dread, it's when Sir Lionel Black takes the stage, book in one hand, the other directing forces that could unmake the fabric of existence itself.
Current Status
School of Black Magic
Aligned Organization
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