Morgan Sunscar


Morgan Sunscar (a.k.a. Captain Sun)

Hailing from the rare Sunbein species, Morgan Sunscar is more than just another member of the Cosmic Gladiators—he is a revolving enigma, a steward of wisdom, and a resilient shield. Upon death, his alien physiology allows him to reincarnate in a new form, providing a form of resilience that adds a unique twist to the team's dynamics. More than just a fighter, Sunscar is a knowledgeable space anthropologist, providing crucial insights into diverse planetary flora and fauna. His understanding of intergalactic ecosystems makes him an invaluable guide and consultant, helping the team navigate alien worlds. Possessing the sole knowledge of the elusive White Crystal among the Gladiators, Sunscar embraces the role of its protector. He wishes to safeguard its secrets, study its mysteries, and ensure it remains safe from those seeking to exploit its omnipotent power. Yet, his modus operandi—revealing only necessary information at critical moments—does stir suspicion among his teammates. Despite this, his heart is in the right place. Sunscar is a wellspring of knowledge, a resilient guardian, and a truly good-natured ally—making him an indispensable piece of the Cosmic Gladiators' complex puzzle.
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