Morton Caldwell

Morton Caldwell

Morton Caldwell was the insidious mastermind whose innovations revolutionized not just the Government Hero Program but also the secret underbelly of the IPC's technological advancements. With a demeanor as cold as the steel of his inventions, Caldwell was the architect of the Meta-Human serum, a biochemical marvel that redefined the very essence of human potential. Though his breakthroughs were staggering, his ethics—or lack thereof—kept him veiled in controversy.   Caldwell's mind never ceased churning out machinations that blurred the boundaries of ethics and science. His drone program was an exercise in omnipotence, creating synthetic humanoids indistinguishable from real people, intended for mass surveillance. Despite the strides made, the program was covertly defunded, overshadowed by the rise of the OMEGA Project. But Caldwell's genius did not stop there. His pièce de résistance was the Soulexus, an apparatus of almost arcane design, granting the user a horrifying capability: to hack into a soul and puppeteer a human being like some nightmarish video game. The device saw only one application—by Caldwell himself—before he ended his life in an abrupt, enigmatic fashion.   If rumors were to be believed, Caldwell's lineage traced back to the darker chapters of scientific history, fueling whispers that he was the descendant of a Nazi scientist. This unconfirmed, yet unshakeable lore only added to his air of menacing mystery. Caldwell seemed less like a man and more like a force of nature, sweeping ethical considerations aside as trivial obstacles to his grand vision. His suicide left the scientific community reeling, pondering the void left by a mind that could not be replicated but also could never be fully understood. Despite the macabre legacy he left behind, Caldwell's impact on the IPC—and the moral fabric of scientific progress—remains indelible.
Current Status
Date of Birth
April 23
Date of Death
November 17
1909 1977
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
IPC Research Facility 28
Brown, balding, unkempt
Aligned Organization
Related Documents: IPC CASE FILE: IPC-0010-MC
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