Tristan Calderon

Tristan Calderon

A sicko, a misfit, a disgrace—Tristan Calderon had been called a lot of things before he found his vile calling as an adept necromancer. With a backstory that could make even the most depraved shudder, Calderon never sought the magical arts; they found him in the twisted, obscene acts he committed in the darkness of underground crypts. Unbeknownst to him, these disgusting endeavors acted as vile incantations, inadvertently channeling energies from the realms of death and decay.   It was during one of these stomach-churning escapades that Jerome Kemp found him. Not many would have looked at a man engaging in a corpse orgy and thought, "Ah, potential." But Kemp wasn't most people. Sensing the untrained but potent magical energies coursing through Calderon, he decided to drag this wretch out of the filth and into a different kind of darkness. Taking the pariah under his wing, Kemp focused on refining Calderon's raw, chaotic powers. The transformation wasn't a clean process, but then again, nothing about Calderon was.   Nevertheless, the latent talents for necromancy, already ignited by his unholy actions, began to solidify into something more structured, albeit still deeply unsettling. As a fledgling member of the Mythic Order of the Black Dawn, Tristan Calderon is an enigma, even among an ensemble of outcasts and deviants. His necromantic abilities are chiefly focused on soul manipulation and spiritual entrapment, a skill set that's found use in the darker operations of the Order. And though the more experienced members keep him on a short leash—wary of his unpredictable and grotesque tendencies—Calderon doesn't mind.   For the first time, he's somewhere his repugnance is not just tolerated but also purposeful. Under Kemp's tutelage, Calderon continues to explore the depths of his morbid abilities. However, he's also a constant reminder within the Order of the perilous tightrope they all walk between chaos and complete depravity. Though it's unclear whether he'll evolve into a dark mage of substantial power or combust in a blaze of his own making, one thing's for sure: Tristan Calderon has found his vile corner in the universe, a place where even nightmares have standards.
Current Status
School of Necromancy
Aligned Organization
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