
All the animals in this world have a thick coat of fur that never leaves them. They have a natural armor of +1, even the smallest of birds and animals. They do not move a lot to save energy they need to hunt for food and kill it for those that do that. They have the same animal as a normal Earth-like planet just thick fur covers them and they are a bit harder to take down. There are few animals that are larger than a man, the bears are medium size, and even the horses are about the size of ponies. The Elvens and humans have been breeding full-size horses for them to use, but the cost to feed them is getting too much.   Those are the normal ones, but until you see a talking tiger, you can't say you have seen the world! In some locations where the AI bombs were dropped the local wildlife mutated horribly and some of those learned to talk, some of them were raised out of the animal IQ into full men IQ. Like any other creatures, some are bad and some are good.