Charging batteries

CHARGES This ammunition powers energy or projectile weapons using charges stored in batteries. Since each energy weapon varies in intensity, stronger weapons use up more charges per shot. You can restore a weapon’s charges by attaching it to a generator or a recharging station (see Professional Services) and thereby recharging its battery, or by swapping out its battery for another fully charged battery.   Recharging a weapon’s battery from a generator takes 1 minute per charge restored, and using a recharging station takes 1 round per charge, but swapping out a battery takes only a move action. Most batteries can hold 20 charges, but some high-capacity versions made of rare materials can hold more (see Table 7–9: Ammunition).   A weapon’s battery cannot be recharged to hold more charges than its capacity. A weapon that holds a high-capacity battery still works when a lower-capacity battery is inserted into it, but if a battery has fewer charges remaining than the minimum number required to fire a shot, the weapon doesn’t fire.   In addition to weapons, batteries can be used to power a wide array of items, including powered armor and technological items.   Any off-world weapons will not be able to just use the charging station as they won't be able to fit them into the slots to charge. They can try to jury rig to get power to the off-world batteries but run the danger damage the station that has the power.