complex forms in Ghuant | World Anvil

complex forms

Here are the most popular complex forms that all technomancers can use while in the VR matrix. Normally you learn these in the game but if making a techomancer over 1st level you can avg 1 complex form every 3 levels up to their max, which is Int Modifier. If you want to add new one and you have max you can forgot any when you level up and add a new one either from the source. Once you start only way to get these is to find them in game and learn them.   Complex Forms You can find( or trade) these and learn them. You need to make Int check DC 15. The max you can know at one time is your Int Bonus.   Each complex form entry has a Target describing what it works on. A complex form with a Device target can also be used to target a persona. It also has a Duration listed as either I for immediate (it happens instantly with no lasting effects), S for sustained (you can sustain it), or P for permanent (if you sustain it for its Level in Combat Turns, its effects remain after you stop sustaining it). When you calculate FADING if the complex form has L number that is the level you use instead of the actual level. You cannot get more passes than 1/2 true level of effect.  

Create Program

Target: Persona • Duration: Until exit matrix Fade L of program   When you want to stay out of GOD eye you want to do things with your RESONANCE as it does not add to your OS score. By taking a program you already know and making a RESONANCE copy you can do that action without GOD notice.  


Target: Persona • Duration: Perm Fade L+1   Illegal actions leave traces in the Matrix, but the Resonance can erase some alerts. Make a computer Use (Data) vs System DC. For each hit, reduce the target’s Overwatch Score by 1.  


Target: Device • Duration: S • FV: L + 1   This complex form entry is shorthand for four different complex forms, one for each Matrix attribute: Make a Complex Opposed(INT) Computer (Data) v. (Wisdom) 10 + Firewall + Will save. If you win, the target’s attribute is reduced by your net hits. You can’t reduce an attribute to less than 1. You choose before attacking.  


Target: File • Duration: P • FV: L + 2   You infuse a file with Resonance long enough to manipulate its contents. Make a complex(Int) Computer Use (Data) test against the (Wisdom) 10 + Firewall + Fort save of the file’s owner. You can make the same amount of changes to the file that you would be able to make with your net hits in Edit File actions.  


Target: Device • Duration: S • FV: L + 4   This complex form entry is shorthand for four different complex forms, one for each Matrix attribute Firewall Defence, Response, and BAB. Resonance floods the target device, boosting the specified attribute. The Level of the complex form must equal or exceed the value of the attribute being affected. The attribute is increased by the number of hits scored, up to the level of effect. Each attribute can only be affected by a single Infusion at a time. If an attribute boosted by this spell is swapped in a Reconfigure action, this complex form ends. Make a complex computer Use (data) DC 10 + double the current attribute + System  


Target: Persona • Duration: S • FV: L – 1   Resonance energy coils around you, hiding you from GOD. Make a Computer Use (Data) test against Grid DC with a threshold of 1 if the target is on the public grid and 2 on any other grid. As long as you sustain this complex form and the target doesn’t hop to another grid, the veiled persona’s Overwatch Score doesn’t increase due to time. It still increases as a result of the target’s illegal actions, though.  


Target: Persona • Duration: I • FV: L + 0   You pull signals out of the Resonance and surround the target with them. Make a Complex(Int) Computer Use (Data) v. (Wis) 10 + Firewall+ Ref Save test. For each net hit you get, the target is hit with 1d6 damage which they cannot resist.  


Target: Device • Duration: I • FV: L + 4   You push Resonance commands into a target, forcing it to perform a Matrix action. Pick a target and a Matrix action for it to perform. Make a complex (INT) computer Use(Data) v. (Wisdom) 10 + firewall + Will Save with passes needed based on the type of action: 1 for a Free Action, 2 for Simple, and 3 for Complex. If you succeed, the target performs that Matrix action as its next available action.  

Pierce the Veil

Target: Device • Duration: S • FV: L + 1 When trying to find something that is running silent, this form changes the background to reveal anything that is interacting with you. Once use any icon that has interacted with you within the last 3 combat rounds you get to make your matrix perception but they do not get to resist. This works for all icons that have interacted with you.  


Target: Device • Duration: S • FV: L – 1   This complex form lets you make the target believe something has happened in the Matrix. It’s a convincing illusion if you can succeed in a complex Computer Use (Data) v. (Wisdom) 10 + firewall + Will Save. Even if the target has reason to believe what it’s seeing is fake, it needs to make a Matrix Perception Test with a threshold equal to your net hits to see through the illusion.  


Target: Self • Duration: I • FV: L + 2   Make a Complex Computer Use (data) vs System DC against all icons that have spotted you. If there’s more than one, compare your hits to each of theirs separately. Each icon you beat loses you, and you’re no longer spotted by those icons. Any icon that has a mark on you doesn’t lose you, of course.  


Target: Sprite • Duration: P • FV: L – 2   You knit the Resonance patterns in a sprite back together. Make a Computer Use (data) DC 15 + level of sprite. For each hit, remove 5 Matrix damage from the target sprite. The level must be equal to or greater than Sprite.  


Target: Self • Duration: I • FV: L – 3   You broaden your connection to the Matrix and connect to all grids at once. You take no penalty for acting across grids (because you’re on all of them), but neither do others target you. You also don’t take a penalty from the public grid. Make a complex(INT) Computer Use (data) DC of the highest Grid you trying to be added on to. The effect persists for one minute for every hit you get. When you run out of hits, the complex form ends. It means your OS score is registered with all girds until it is reset as well. You can use this power and remove a gird that is high level to access to reduce the DC effect  


Target: Persona • Duration: P • FV: L – 2   The Resonance can be used to mimic the telltale signs of illegal activity in the Matrix—to your target’s sorrow. Make Complex Computer Use (data) vs 10 + Firewall + Fort Save. For each hit, increase the target’s Overwatch Score by 1. This only works if your target has an Overwatch Score.  


Target: Persona • Duration: I • FV: L + 2   A stiletto or ice pick as opposed to the typical superheated sledgehammers, the Resonance energy from this form slides into the cracks and holes in the target’s armor and strips it away slightly. Make a Complex Computer Use (data) vs (Wisdom) 10 + Firewall+ Fort save test, doing 5 dmg of Matrix damage per net hit, and dropping the target’s Firewall attribute by 1 until the device has rebooted. Additional successful Derezz attacks do not stack the Firewall adjustment, even if they are from two separate technomancers.  


Target: Host • Duration: I • FV: L – 2   This form scans the host the technomancer is currently residing in and displays a list of the IC it is currently equipped to deploy. Make a Computer Use (data) DC of system +5.  


Target: Device • Duration: S • FV: L + 0   This form works with Resonance threads to allow for secondary and tertiary connections, making the device slightly tougher for a limited amount of time. Redundancy grants an additional, temporary 5 hps to one device, giving a number of boxes equal to the hits acquired on a Make a Complex (INT) Computer Use (data) DC 10 + level of device + Firewall.