Cost of Running a Ship in Ghuant | World Anvil

Cost of Running a Ship

Running Cost Summary Item Monthly Cost Mortgage Varies on ship Life Support Cr1000 per stateroom, Cr3000 for double occupancy, Cr100 per low berth, Cr1000 per person Fuel Cr500 per refined ton, Cr100 per unrefined ton Repairs and Maintenance 0.1% of purchase price, divided by 12 Salary: Pilot Cr6000 Salary: Astrogator Cr5000 Salary: Engineer Cr4000 Salary: Steward Cr2000 Salary: Medic Cr3000 Salary: Gunner Cr1000 Salary: Marine Cr1000
  Mortgage or Debts: If the crew are paying off debts on their spacecraft, then these must be paid each month. Life Support and Supplies: Each stateroom on a ship costs Cr1000 per month. This cost covers supplies for the life support system as well as food and water, although meals at this level will be rather Spartan. Each person on board a ship who is not in a low berth will cost an additional Cr1000 in life support costs
  Each occupied low berth costs Cr100 per month. Fuel: Fuel costs Cr500 per ton for refined fuel, or Cr100 per ton for unrefined fuel. Fuel is required for both the jump drive and power plant. Repairs and Maintenance: A ship needs maintenance, which costs 0.1% of the total purchase price of the ship per year. Maintenance should be carried out each month (divide the year’s maintenance cost by 12 to find the monthly cost. Once per year this should be performed at a shipyard. If maintenance is skipped or skimped on, roll 2D each subsequent month, with a DM equal to the number of months skipped. On 8+, the ship suffers a critical hit. Roll 2D on the Poor Maintenance table and apply the effects. To repair this damage, see page 161. Crew Salaries: Salaries for hired crew members must be paid each month. Berthing Costs: Landing at a starport incurs a cost, which varies wildly from world to world. See Starports, page 225.