Cost of Things Civilized lands in Ghuant | World Anvil

Cost of Things Civilized lands

here are some prices to give you an idea of the costs of living in the world
  Housing Cost Coffin hotel (24 hours) 30 Hostel (24 hours) 30 Motel room (per hour) 20 Motel room (24 hours) 100 Hotel room (24 hours) 200 Suite (24 hours) 500 nY Luxury suite (24 hours) 1000
  Food (per person) Cost 1L Mineral Water 0,5 cr Vending machine meal 2 cr Fast food meal 5-10 cr Breakfast or Lunch 10-15 cr Dinner 20-25 cr Dinner at fancy restaurant 100-200 cr
  Entertainment Cost Nightclub admission 15-50 cr Live performance 10-200 cr Standard drinks 5 cr Premium drinks 10-15 cr Ticket to major sporting event 20-50 cr Season tickets 2000 cr Trid movie or simflick 15 cr Sim/gaming parlor 30 cr/h
  Travel Cost 1L Multifuel 3 1L Gas 5
  City Transport Public transport (bus, rail) 1 cr/10 km Public transport (1 week pass) 20 cr Taxi 1 cr /km Z-zone taxi· 10 /km Commuter air 10 cr/km Parking (1 hour) 6 nY Parking (all day) 25 nY Car rental (1 day) 100 nY Car rental (1 week) 500 nY Air travel 0,1 cr/km Suborbital/semiballistic flight 0,5 cr/km Local flight 1 cr/km Rail fare 0,2 cr/km Bus fare 0,1 cr/km Bus/Rail 1-month pass 250
  Docwagon Contracts Cost Basic 5000 cr/year Gold 25000 cr/year Platinum 50000 cr/year Super-Platinum 100000 cr/year