Current Career: Adventurer

Adventurers embrace the universe in all its diversity. They are thrill seekers and explorers. Adventurers are the romantic figures of Tri-V across the universe. Reality is somewhat rougher as these people are survivors.   You are paid to go where no one else wants to go, even the scouts. Places like Ancient Landmass to investigate a new location seen on a sat scan, or go deep into a Prima Magi catacombs to clear what is down there. You are paid well but few of your brothers retire, and there is no retirement package anyways.   Wage Bonus: Per mission You get a fee to complete a task, which can take you 1 week or 1 month or 1 year. The Guild of Adventures keep the retainer until you complete the task assigned.   There are no events as each task is an event in itself and has to be run like an adventure. Can only take a max of 1 task per month.
Mustering Out Then roll once here for your bonus for the year from your agency. If you caught at least 75% of your bounties can add +1 to the roll. At the end of each 12-month period you roll on this table.  
1 100 Age Reversal
2 500 Armour
3 1000 Weapon
4 3000 +1 EDU
5 5000 Tas Membership
6 10000 High Passage
7 20000 Ship Sharex2