Current Career: Big Game Hunter

These hunters hunt the things others are scared even to talk about. Dragons, beholders, magic mists that soul people soul out. While only magic works on part of the world, the magical creatures are not confirmed to be there, those that fly do need to stay there, but some of their more terrifying powers only work there so most do stay around the island.   Similar in scope to Bounty hunt you are hired to get rid of one creature that is bothering a city or group, so you only get paid when you are working and you need to travel around to get work. ( think of a witcher)   Qualification: Dex 12+. –1 for every previous career. +1 for every successful Creature caught to a max of minus from other careers (so can remove the penalties). +1 if my previous career was in military  

Ranks and benefits

Rank 0   1 Watcher Gain perception skill   2   3 Spotter gains Survival   4   5   6 Game Hunter TBH       Capture Time: Roll 1d6 if you roll a 6 the job takes you a year to complete, otherwise it's 1 to 5 months. If you are Rank 5 you can -1 off a roll once every 6 months.  


Based on the HD of the creature, can get up to 50% up front if make a diplomacy DC 10+HD of the target. Can also try to up the price with the same check but you roll and take off the roll the HD, if hit DC 20 get 10% more, every 10 over 20 get another 10%                                          
1-3 100
4-6 500
7-10 1000
11-13 3000
14-18 5000
19-21 10000
22+ 20000
Career Skills