Current Career: Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunters track down people that flee across the stars to avoid justice. They also recover stolen starships and other valuable items. They are often employed by governments or corporations. Bounty Hunters are often portrayed as romantic, but they do what it takes to get the job done and collect the reward; even if it means breaking the law.   Bounty is a special job, you don't really get employed you pick up bounties. So to get one you roll to Qualification, which means you got one for you if pass, if not come back in a month.   Qualification: Int 12+. –1 for every previous current career. +1 for every successful bounty caught to a max of minus from other careers (so can remove the penalties). +1 if my previous career was Law Enforcement or If Rank 5+     Two Paths you can take as Bounty Hunter once you choose one you stay on that one unit correct job is done.

Skip Tracer

You track down fugitives and return them to justice.  


You recover stolen starships and other valuable items.        
CAREER PROGRESSSurvival(CON)Advancement (Int)Cash
Skip Tracer DC 6 DC 14 DC 12
Repossessor DC 8 DC 12 DC 9

Ranks and benefits

Rank   0   1 Wet Pad Gain Streetwise Wis Skill Restricted   2   3 Tracker gains Survival   4   5   6 Bounty Hunter Gain Track Feat.     Capture Time: Roll 1d6 if you roll a 6 the job takes you a year to complete, otherwise it's 1 to 5 months. If you are Rank 5 you can -1 off a roll once every 6 months.  


You choose how hard the bounty you want. Whatever number you choose you minus it from 2nd dice (so if -6 don't roll 2nd dice just 1d6(which is tens) is the number you can get)                    
Pay LevelCash
1 100
2 500
3 1000
4 3000
5 5000
6 10000
7 20000
Experiences Bonus: Make a d20 roll and add your rank to the roll. Divide the roll by 5(round down) then add to the payout level. You have to choose the payout level first before rolling this.   Career Skills   If catch your bounty, you use the payout level+ Experience level to get paid that amount. For example, if your EXP bonus is +3 and you choose Payout level 3 it means instead of getting 10k, you get 100k   Events                                    
Roll the dice 2d6Lose BountyEvent
0-9 y Bounty kills you
10 - 11 Y lower Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 Y You are caught in a trap set by your bounty. Make Survival DC 12. If you succeed gain skill: Survival, Intimidate or Stealth. If you fail, throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
13 N You are asked to retrieve a ‘dead or alive’ bounty. If you choose to pursue the bounty, throw Streetwise DC 12. If you succeed, gain either Exotic weapon(any) feat or Power Armour feat. If you fail, gain an Enemy.
14 Y In the process of collecting a bounty, it turns into a blood bath. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, gain an Ally. If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
15 Y Your bounty is a dangerous assassin. Throw Intelligence DC 12 or Streetwise DC 12. If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain+1 Social Standing.
16-20 N Your bounty is a member of the Nobility or government. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 Social Standing. If you fail, take a -1 Social Standing and gain a Rival.
21 N You are in competition with another Bounty Hunter. Gain 1d3 Rivals.
22 Y You are offered a Black Market Bounty. If you decide to accept the bounty, throw streetwise DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 on one Payout level. If you fail, gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
23 N Your bounty takes longer to track than you anticipated. Throw Streetwise DC 12. If you succeed, gain 1 ship share. If you fail, take -1 on the next payout cash due to unexpected expenses.
24 N Your bounty requires you to operate within the Prima Magi. Gain one of mysticism or knowledge(arcane)
25 N Your bounty forces you to spend a lot of time in the outback. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Survival or Heal, if have both, gain Track Feat. I have that take another general feat.
26-30 N You spend time developing a group of Contacts. Gain 1d3 Contacts.
31-36 N Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 Y Your bounty forces you into a standoff situation. Throw Diplomacy DC 12 to avoid bloodshed. If you succeed, gain Bluff, or Stealth. If you fail, gain an Enemy.
42 N You track down a white-collar bounty. Throw Edu DC 12 to gain Pilot, Computers Use(Any), or Bluff
43 n Your bounty is a MetaHuman and this requires you to spend a lot of time amongst them. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain one Metahuman Language.
44 n Tracking your Bounty forces you to spend a lot of time working through complex legal issues. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, gain Culture (SF skill) or Knowledge (local or law)
45 n Your bounty is hiding in the seedier parts of the World. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain one extra throw on a cash table.
46-48 n Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades
49-51 n Your bounty hid amongst an old mine, where you find various metals to sell. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain one extra roll on a cash table
52 n You are involved in complex negotiations for a bounty. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll
53 n Your bounty is hiding in the water. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed gain Swim
54 n Somehow you learned something. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed gain Any Computer Use (any)
55 y You learn that your bounty is tied up with local law enforcement. If you choose to expose the corruption roll Diplomacy DC 12 or Bluff DC 12. If you succeed, gain +1 on your next Advancement throw and an Enemy. If you fail, you still gain an Enemy. Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
56-60 n Your bounty takes an unexpected turn. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, you may throw on Agent or Rogue Event Tables for this career. If you like, you may transfer to that Career next term.
61 y You are captured by your bounty. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, you are able to turn the tables and escape. If you fail, throw on the Injuries and Medical Coverage
62 n Times have been tough. Throw on the Event Table for the Drifter Career.
63 n Due to your diligent work collecting a bounty, you are awarded a bonus. Gain DM +1 on one benefit throw.
64 n Your hard work has paid off. Gain DM +2 on your next Advancement throw or DM +1 on one benefit throw
65 n Your work is noticed by your superiors. Gain DM +4 on your next Advancement throw Add a Contact Contacts, Allies, Rivals and Enemies
66 Your exceptional work earns you an automatic promotion. You can also take 1 off any 2 capture time rolls in the next 12 months
Mustering Out Then roll once here for your bonus for the year from your agency. If you caught at least 75% of your bounties can add +1 to the roll. At the end of each 12-month period you roll on this table.    
1 100 Age Reversal
2 500 Armour
3 1000 Weapon
4 3000 +1 EDU
5 5000 Tas Membership
6 10000 High Passage
7 20000 Ship Sharex2