Current Career: Mindshatter

Introduction Within the ranks of the Zhodani military establishment exists the paragon of elite light infantry forces on the Planet They are the commando forces of the elite Consular Guard. The commandos are a product of the synergistic fusion of technology, psionic development and applied military doctrine. Many in military circles would agree that the commandos’ pre-eminence rests firmly on the extraordinary psionic capability of teleportation (the psionic jump), but that is not to say that the they are not on par with the Imperial Marines where tactical proficiency is concerned. Yet, it is this unique psionic capability that allows the Zhodani Military High Command to overmatch their opponents through tactical mobility and surprise. Thus, Zhodani commanders have an edge in maintaining the strategic initiative. Oftentimes commando missions can enhance ongoing military operations by inhibiting or sapping the initiative, tactical flexibility and or morale of enemy forces. This force multiplier effect is inversely proportional to the commandos’ actual size and strength1. It is noted that the commando forces represent 2% of the actual combat battalions deployed in the Zhodani military theater of operations confronting the Imperium and it’s allies in or near the Spinward Marches. Also, it stands to reason that they are the most feared unit of the Zhodani ground forces