Current Career: Psionic Researcher

Psionic Researcher   As an expert in the workings of the human mind, you have become very interested in what has come to be called the psionic powers. This field was once outlawed in the old Imperium, but the need to better understand its neighbors has led the Regency to relax such restrictions and encourage controlled research. You want to delineate the limits of those powers and learn how they work.    Prerequisites: Medical school or doctorate from graduate school in biology.   All Terms   Skills: A total of 6 ranks from any one or a combination of the following: Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (Biology), Heal or Treat Injury, Str +1 EDU +1, Skills: Psionics (see the Psionics section, page 245), Perception, Determination. Special Adventure: 7+ for PSI +1.   Promotion: 7+, DM +1 if INT 7+.   Contacts: One per term, medical, academic, or psionic.   Other Effects: Immediately upon entry into the career, the character undergoes psionic testing and evaluation (see Psionics, page 245). The referee may stipulate the existence of psionic institutes and allow this career outside the Regency, if desired.