Cyberware Closer to Machine than Man Price list and info

here are what you can get and the essence loss   Reading the Tables • Object: This is the implant in question.
• Ess: "Essence" This is the point value of the implant for maximum safe implant purposes.   • Size: This is the size of the implant.   • Cap: If a number is listed here in brackets, this is how much space the implant takes if installed in a cyber limb. This allows access to and use of the implant without impacting the maximum                                                                      
Object(Headgear)Esssizecapwt.CostIllegal costLevelHealInstall Time* hours)
Chipjack .2 18 17 1 18 4
Datajack .2 F 18 17 1 18 4
Radio .75 F 23 22 1 18 4
Radio Receiver .4 F 20 20 2 18 4
Synthink .2 F 18 18 2 18 4
Telephone .5 F 23 22 2 18 4
Cosmetic Mod Ear F 23 22 1 18 4
Cyber Replacement ear .03 F 4 23 22 2 18 4
Damper ear .1 F 22 23 2 18 4
High-Frequency Ear .2 F 22 23 2 18 4
Low-Frequency Ear .2 F 22 23 2 18 4
Mastoid Implant Ear .1 F 18 18 2 18 4
Recorder Ear .3 F 25 27 2 18 4
Camera Eye .4 F 23 26 2 18 4
Cosmetic Eye F 2 18 4
Cyber Replacement Eye .2 F 4 23 23 3 18 4
Flare Compensation eye .1 F 20 21 3 18 4
Low-light eye .2 F 22 23 3 18 4
Retinal Duplication eye .1 F 31 34 3 18 4
Thermographic eye .2 F 22 22 2 18 4
Data Filter .3 F 23 24 2 18 4
Data Lock .2 F 18 19 2 18 4
Datasoft Link .1 F 18 18 2 18 4
Display Link .1 F 18 18 2 18 4
Memory .2 F special special 2 18 4
**Neural Computer Link PL 8 .6 F n/a n/a 18 4
**Biofunction Regulator (PL 7) .2 F n/a n/a 18 4
**Anti-Stun (Implant) .5 F n/a n/a 18 4
**Biosurger (Implant) 1 F n/a n/a 18 4
**Auditory Baffles (Implant) .3 F n/a n/a 18 4
**Feat Plexus(datasoft link, Activesofts, x4 chipjacks) 1 F n/a n/a 18 4
F n/a n/a 18 4
F n/a n/a 18 4
** PCs off-world coming in COULD start to offer it so wishes on planet                                          
Object(Bodyware)EssSizeCapWtCost Wealth DCIllegetLevelHeal DCInstall Time hours
Dermal plating 1/2/3 .5/1/1.5 M 3/6/9 24/27/31 same 3/5/7 18/19/19 8
Filtration system- Air +1 to +10 .1xbonus 29+bonus 31+bonus equal to bonus 18 to 19 6
Filtration system- Blood +1 to +10 .2xbonus 26+Bonus 28+Bonus equal to bonus 18-22 6 to 8
Filtration system - Ingested toxin +1 to +10 .2xbonus 26+Bonus 28+Bonus equal to bonus 18-22 6 to 8
Fingertip compartment 22 22 7 22 6 to 8
Hand razors .1 F 23 23 7
Retractable .2 F 25 25 7
Muscle replacement lvl 1/2/3/4 1/2/3/4 M 2xlvl lbs 28+Level 30+Level 10 19-22 20
Skillwires 1 to 20 rtgx.2 M .2 lbs 10+Rtg 10+Rtg Rtg 18 20
Smartgun Link .5 F [1] 21 21 5 20 4
Spurs .1 T 25 25 7 18 6
Retractable .3 T 26 26 7 19 4
Vehicle control rig lvl 1/2/3 2/3/5 F 26/32/38 5/8/10 20-23 16
Voice modulator -Increase Volume 26 28 7 19 4
Voice modulator -playback .2 F 31 31 7 19 4
Voice modulator -Secondary pattern 31 34 7 19 4
Voice modulator -Tonal Shift 29 29 7 19 4
Wired Reflexes Lvl 1/2/3 2/3/5 F 32/36/39 34/38/41 5/8/12 20-22 24 hours
Level of Vehicle ControlSkillInitManDefenseReflex
1 +4 +2 +3 +1 +1
2 +6 +4 +5 +2 +2
3 +8 +6 +7 +3 +3
Level of Wired ReflexesDefenseInitReflexRestrict
1 +2 +2 +2 +4
2 +3 +4 +3 +4
3(Extra Move each round) +4 +6 +4 +4


Skillsofts are available in four types – Activesofts, Datasofts, Knowsofts, and Linguasofts. Activesofts require the use of Skillwires and allow the character to perform physical actions that he does not actually have the training for, such as shooting a rifle or tumbling through a crowd of mooks. Datasofts contain raw data and information. A chip with a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica would be a Datasoft, as would a street map. A Knowsoft is similar to an Activesoft, but applies to mental skills that do not necessarily require matching or corresponding physical capability. A Linguasoft is a specialized Knowsoft with Speak Language on it. Skillsofts are measured by their program rating. This is the rating of the skill burned on the OMC. Skillsofts have a maximum rating, based on the type of data contained within and they cannot go over your current level.   • Activesoft: 15 • Knowsoft: 20 • Linguasoft: 20   When you use Skillsoft, you perform the skill at the program rating. You do not apply your ability score bonuses or any other bonuses. There are rumors of high-tech Skillsofts that encode not only knowledge but exceptional performance as well. There are also rumors of adaptive Skillsofts that conform to the user's natural ability. Certain skills are available as Skillsofts, but not with the breadth and utility of the base skill. For example, you can purchase Drive Activesofts, but you must purchase an Activesoft for different vehicle types.
Active Skill(Climb, Swim, Acrobatics. Hide ect PRx1000 PRx750 Active
Know Skill(Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge,Navigate) PRx500 PRx250 Know
Weapon Skills (Types like Rifles or pistols etc) PRx2000 PRx1500 Active
Feats Various Various Various
  Filtration system – air: Apply the rating of the implant as a bonus to saving throws against inhaled toxins and substances.   Filtration system – blood: Apply the rating of the implant as a bonus to saving throws against contact and injury-vectored toxins and substances (including slap patches).   Filtration system – ingested toxin: Apply the rating of the implant as a bonus to saving throws against ingested toxins and substances (including beneficial substances).   Hand razors: Hand razors allow you to deal lethal slashing damage with your unarmed attacks. Extending or retracting retractable versions is a free action.   Muscle replacement: Each level of muscle replacement increases your Strength by +2 and Dexterity by +1. Cybernetic limbs cannot have muscle replacement.   Skillwires: These are required for the use of Activesofts. Skillwires are available in ratings from 1 to 20. Skillwires can run an Activesoft with a rating equal to or less than the skillwire rating. You can run multiple Activesofts simultaneously, assuming you have multiple chipjacks (or headware memory), but the total Activesoft rating cannot exceed the Skillwire rating. For example, if Bob is running a rating 12 Skillwire system, and has three chipjacks, he can run three Rating 4 Activesofts, one rating 12 Activesoft, or any combination that adds up to 12 or less. A skillwire system includes a chipjack.   Smartgun link: The smartgun link provides you with a +2 equipment bonus on attack rolls made with properly modified ranged weapons. It also allows you to eject a clip as a free action, and to keep a visual readout of your ammo count.   Pre-smartlinked weapons have a Purchase DC of +1 above the listed cost. Applying a Smartlink to a "dumb" gun has a Purchase DC equal to that of the firearm +1.   Spur: Spurs deal lethal slashing damage based on your size. Extending or retracting a retractable spur is a free action   Voice modulator: The basic system allows you to use your voice for twice as long as normal. The increased volume modification allows you to use your voice like a loudspeaker. You can amp your voice up to about 120 decibels (roughly equal to a rock concert near the stage or a jet engine from the runway, just below the normal human threshold for pain). Playback allows you to access an audio record, either in hardware memory or fed through a data jack, and reproduce the sound perfectly. Essentially, you act as a glorified speaker. Playback can only duplicate what is being used. For example, if are using a recording of an old LP, complete with pops and scratches, your playback will include these pops and scratches. Secondary patterns are typically illegal. This allows you to upload a second vocal pattern, most often in an attempt to bypass a vocal recognition scanner. The tonal shift modification allows you to alter your vocal tones, allowing for perfect bird calls, uncanny vocal impressions, and other vocal oddities.   Wired reflexes: Wired reflexes provide bonuses to Defense (dodge), initiative checks, and Reflex saves. However, wired characters tend to be jumpy, twitchy, and nervous. Whenever a character with wired reflexes is suddenly surprised, he must roll a Will save. The DC for this save is 15 + wired reflexes level. If the save fails, the character reacts without thinking. His actual action will be based in large part on his general personality. A character prone to violence may lash out with a fist or kick, while a character more prone to defense may leap behind nearby cover. You suffer a penalty equal to wired reflexes level -1 to Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks. Wired reflexes level 3 also provides you with an additional move action each round.      
ObjectEssSizeCapWtPurchase DCIllegal DCResTreatTime
Obvious Limbs  Full arm 1 m 15 10 27 27 19 6
Full Leg 1 m 20 15 27 27 19 6
Hand/Foot .25 t 4 2 23 23 19 6
Lower Leg .45 m 10 5 26 26 19 6
Lower Arm .45 m 12 7 26 26 19 6
Synthetic Limbs Full Arm 1 m 8 10 28 28 19 6
Full Leg 1 m 10 15 28 28 19 6
Hand/Foot .25 t 2 2 24 24 19 6
Lower Leg .45 m 5 5 24 24 19 6
Lower Arm .45 m 6 6 27 27 19 6
Extra Strength 10+1/2 bonus 10+1/2 bonus 19 6
    Cyberlimb, obvious: An obvious cyberlimb inflicts a -2 penalty to Charisma and Charisma-based skill checks during inappropriate situations. Cyberlimb, synthetic: Detecting a synthetic cyberlimb by sight requires a Spot check (DC 25). Detecting a synthetic limb by touch requires a Search check (DC 20). If clothing is worn over the limb, increase all DCs by 5. Strength enhancement: It is possible to increase the Strength score of a cyberlimb; the maximum Strength a cyberlimb may have is based on the character’s size. Enhanced Strength provides a bonus to detect the limb. The bonus is equal to the Strength enhancement /2. To determine the Purchase DC for a Strength enhancement, divide the number of points being added, and add +10. Strength enhancements cannot be upgraded – if you wish to increase the Strength, the original enhancement must be removed, and a new one installed. If your limbs have disparate Strength scores, then use the cyberlimb Strength scores for tasks involving that limb (or part of a limb otherwise, use an average of the Strength scores. A cyber-hand does not apply increased damage to melee attacks, but it does improve grapple damage.                                                                                                                                                                                  
Object (Limbs)EssSizeCapWtCost DCIllegal DCLevelHealInstall Time
Obvious Full Arm 1 M 15 10 27 19 6
Obvious Full Leg 1 M 20 15 27 18 6
Obvious Hand/Foot .25 T 4 2 23 6
Obvious Lower Arm .45 M 10 5 26 6
Obvious Lower Leg .45 M 12 7 26 6
Synthetic Full Arm 1 M 8 10 28 6
Synthetic Full Leg 1 M 10 15 28 6
Synthetic Hand/Foot .25 T 2 2 24 6
Synthetic Lower Arm .45 M 5 5 27 6
Synthetic Lower Leg .45 M 6 7 27 6
Strength Enhancement +#/2 10+1/2 bonus 10+1/2 bonus 3 18 6


A cyberlimb has base Strength and Dexterity ability scores equal to the racial average +2 (i.e., a human cyberlimb has a Strength score of 12). A cyberlimb typically has a hardness of 6 and 20 hit points*. A cyberlimb can be attacked as a held object. It is more difficult to deal damage to a character with cyberlimbs, as each limb reduces the fleshy part of the character. For every cyberlimb, you receive a damage reduction of 2/-. Cyberlimbs reduce your Constitution score. Each full limb reduces your Constitution score by 1 point. *This assumes a Medium-size creature and is based on a two-inch thickness. For each size category larger, increase the effective thickness by 2 inches. For each size category smaller, decrease the effective thickness by one- half inch.   Cyberlimb, obvious: An obvious cyberlimb inflicts a -2 penalty to Charisma and Charisma-based skill checks during inappropriate situations.Cyberlimb, synthetic: Detecting a synthetic cyberlimb by sight requires a Spot check (DC 25). Detecting a synthetic limb by touch requires a Search check (DC 20). If clothing is worn over the limb, increase all DCs by 5. Strength enhancement: It is possible to increase the Strength score of a cyberlimb; the maximum Strength a cyberlimb may have is based on the character’s size. Enhanced Strength provides a bonus to detect the limb. The bonus is equal to the Strength enhancement /2