Cyberware installing

Requirements: To install a piece of cyberware, the surgeon must make a heal check. In addition, he must have a proper facility for implanting. If the surgeon lacks such a facility, an additional penalty (typically -1 to -10) applies. Street Docs frequently lack proper facilities. Any implantation of 1+ Essence in cyberware is invasive surgery and can cause Awakened characters to check for Magic Rating loss.
  Time: The time required to install a piece of cyberware varies, and is listed in the appropriate table, as is the Treat Injury DC. The process can be rushed, but for every halving of the time, the Treat Injury check takes a -4 penalty. • Failure: If the surgeon fails his check, the recipient must wait a minimum of 24 hours before the procedure can be attempted again. If the surgeon fails by 5 or more, the recipient takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage. if the surgeon fails by 10 or more, the recipient takes 1d4 points of Constitution drain and 1d4 points of Constitution damage. • Recovery: After the surgery, the recipient is exhausted for an amount of time equal to the time of the surgery, and fatigued for twice as long (once the exhausted condition ends). If the recipient succeeds on a DC 25 Fortitude save, he is instead only fatigued. For every 2 points by which the surgeon beats the DC, the recovery time is reduced by one hour, but cannot be reduced by more than 6 hours. Assimilation: It takes a while for the recipient to assimilate the new implant into his mental and physical processes. Four hours after the surgery, the recipient must make a DC 20 Intelligence check. If successful, he properly assimilates the new cyberware. If the check fails, repeat it four hours later, with a (cumulative) +1 bonus. Until the check is successful, the recipient cannot use the ware. If the implant is something like dermal plating, the recipient suffers a -4 penalty to physical tasks.