
Dwarves have an uneasy truce with humans and Elves. Their stealing of the T'skrang has put pressure on this truce. With them having the ability to move anywhere key location has been put on high alert in case they try anything in both human and elf. They are ruled by a long line of kings and queens, every 1000 years or so a new line takes the throne when all 8 of the Grand families vote for the change. The cities are dirty and have few high buildings. Large parts are underground and always near a cache of material they can mine. They are standoffish to the outsider even other dwarves from other parts of the country. Anyone asking about the stolen ship is immediately reported and taken away. A lot don't even have running water nearby but there is a national aqueduct system that connects many cities together and takes water from high in the mountains. Life in Dwarven is all about work if you're not working your sleeping. Anyone seeing sitting around doing nothing is a social cut-off.