Expenses: Taxes, Rent, and Food in Ghuant | World Anvil

Expenses: Taxes, Rent, and Food

So you got your first paycheck from your new Career Skills but there is a chunk missing!  


Everyone has to help keep things running, roads don't clean themselves and so every employee pays something out of their wages to help the country be able to keep things running. In turn, they protect you and don't let you be killed in your bed. Good trade eh? Any wages that you get will have 10% of them taken off and sent to govt. If your salary is over 100,000 cr then you are taxed at 15%. If you pull over 500,000 cr in a year you are taxed at 20%. The more Taxes you pay, the more services you gain access to. The highest taxpayers get seen by the doctors first, their homes are flagged for police to drive by more regularly, and they are seen first in hospitals. They are also on the Combat Medic list that will send in a unit to get out of any life-threatening situations inside the govt controlled lands. You find that who pays the most gets treated the best. The only balancing factor is anyone can pay 20% or higher of their salary to get extra services and the nice thing is the services are not based on how much taxes you pay but on what % of your salary you give up. There are thresholds to salaries that can go above normal levels,   At each service level, there is a system to track where you are in the order of things. If two people are both giving up 20%, and only is making 500,000 and the other is making 75,000 the higher income earning gets dealt with first, but if two patients come in both making 75k the one that gives up 20% instead of 10% will be seen first.   At the end of the year, you have till the end of January to pay what you owe. If you do not pay on time there is a 5% penalty applied, 10% if you are late multiple years. Then there is a 1% per month applied up to 20 months. Then it is passed to the Reapers. Any Taxman can kick a file to the reapers before this though.  

Hacking your way up

While a hacker could get into the system and push their buddy sitting in A&E room to front of the line, they have to hack the national medical System which would not be a easy feat.  

Rent and food

This is going to be your biggest cost. Some try to cut it down by sharing but then you need to find people you trust. So there are different levels based on the area of the city you live in. See Lifestyle