
  These are the undying here on the world, not true undead, but a virus that spread by touch, once you have been infected it mutants your genes into something else and you become one of the different infected types: Ghasts, Zombies, Wights, Vampires, goblin, werewolf to name a few. Their sole purpose is to bring more into the fold. They are true enemies of all, and when infected appear, all fighting stops between the races, and they are destroyed quickly before anyone can be infected. The landmass they hide on is hard to get to and is covered in tunnels. It has been over 1000 years since a purge of them has been done, no one knows how many are hiding waiting to come up. With them getting a foothold on magic land, there is talk of a ceasefire so they can be dealt with. Nothing is known about how their society is ruled if any do rule and no TAS location exist on their land