
Ships Max size 1000 tons Ships: 10 Armour TL 14 Ships:10 Power Core TL 15 Ships: 10 Engine TL 12 Sensor TL 15 ships: 4 Defense systems TL 12 (Singularity Defense Array TL 8 Ships:5, Heavy Fortification(critical hits only target crew, the ship guts are at the center of the ship, and outer areas are where crew moves around. TL 9 Ships: 10) weapons TL 14 Ships: 10 Personal Weapons TL 10 Personal Armour TL 10
  Necromancers and Death Clerics, main forces infected metahumas. This group is the smallest but the best equipped when It come to ships because the infected are from all types of metahumans, they have been able to upgrade their tech better than any other group because the newly infected brings their tech with them. Note they cannot create real undead only help infect more metahumans
  They run own schools of magic and priest schools