Level of Tech

So D20 tech levels below   Pl 0: Stone Age - The major achievements of a Stone Age society are the use of fire, the...   • Pl 1: Bronze/Iron Age - Early human civilizations began to work metal toward the end of the Stone Age.   • Pl 2: Middle Ages - Maturing civilizations experience a period of turmoil and adjustment at this Progress Level.   • Pl 3: Age Of Reason - The Age of Reason is an era in human history when the development of ideas...   • Pl 4: Industrial Age - In the fourth Progress Level, the theoretical knowledge of the previous era matures into widespread practical application.   • Pl 5: Information Age - The Industrial Age relied on chemical power but in the Information Age, computer technology and electronics rule supreme.   • Pl 6: Fusion Age - The development of fusion power provides efficient, nonexpendable energy...   • Pl 7: Gravity Age - As this Progress Level opens, the invention of two key technologies heralds humanity's climb to the stars.   • Pl 8: Energy Age - The continuing miniaturization of induction engine technology allows power...   • Pl 9 And Higher - Generally, these Progress Levels are beyond reach or comprehension, although...     So the planet is at this level now:   Meso-Sophontic (Interstellar Period) TL:10-18 Stell-Tech(K= Type 2) [Star System Mastery]   Interstellar technologies with a poly stellar (intragalactic) scope. FTL, fusion power, advanced manufacturing (Makertech), advanced medicine, cloning, lethetic robotics, early nanotechnology, advanced artificial intelligence, etc. Stellar Period All of the Major Races possess interstellar technology within this range, with the current vanguard at TL-15. Some call them Interstellar Age.   From what you can tell they used to be   Transcendent (Astrodeific Period) TL:28-30 (U to W) Dei-Tech (K= Type 4) [Universe Mastery]   Astrodeific technologies with a universal scope. Planet-bending, engineering (sophont creation), nano mastery, etc. Transgalactic Period Most technological researchers believe that most of these technologies were within reach of the Ancients. Some call it the Age of Space Gods     Traveller TL Historical Era   0 Stone Age (fire)   1 Bronze Age (3500 BC)   1. 3 Iron Age (1300 BC)   1. 6 Medieval Age (600 AD)   2 Age of Sail (1500 AD)   3 Industrial Revolution (1730 AD)   3. 3 Circa 1800 AD   3. 6 Circa 1850 AD 4 Mechanized Age (1900 AD) 5 Broadcast Age (1930 AD)     7 Space Age (1970 AD) 8 Digital Age (1990 AD) 9 Early Stellar (2050 AD) / Fusion Age 10 (A) Early Stellar (2120 AD) / Gravitic Age   11 (B) Average Imperial (Year Zero) PL 6 12 (C) Average Imperial (Year 1105) D20   13 (D) Average Stellar / Geneering Age D20 PL 7 14 (E) High Stellar   15 (F) Imperial Maximum (Year 1107) D20 PL 8 16 (G) Artificial Persons Age 17 (H) Personality Transfer Age / Republic of Regina (Year 1902). 18 (J) Exotics Age   19 (K) Matter Transport/Antimatter Age D20 PL 9 20 (L) Skipdrive Age 21 (M) Stasis Age