Lost: The Foundation in Ghuant | World Anvil

Lost: The Foundation

A lot of the terminology around Foundations, like “deep run,” “gateway,” “anchor,” and of course, “Foundation” come from those early MPG files. This information opened up a flood of exploration, innovation, and discovery. One of the first discoveries was the deadliness of this new virtual area, with more Shadowland and MPG hackers dead in twenty-four hours than in the previous month. We learned how to get into the Foundation, how to work within it, and how to control the host from within it. The Foundation is not for the novice or the timid, but if you master control of the Foundation, you can make hosts dance to your tune. That’s temptation enough.
  So the 2 or 3 hackers that have dived down and come back out had stuff like new cyberdeck plans, and plans for new ways to power equipment, This seems to be the holy grail of lost tech. One of the Ork hackers that came out gave what he found to their army and in the next encounter the Allies air support fell out of the sky for some reason.
  First Problem its on the Wild West. 2nd prob there is always an AI guarding it, and not the run-of-the-mill AI, these guys are the ancient run for the hills AI, Most hackers just spoof it no one wants to take it out. To get more info spend time in the game looking into this.