Magic Shop in Ghuant | World Anvil

Magic Shop

So you all gunned up, your pay cheque in hand and you go down to the new magic shop that opened last week, that Billy will rule the day he stole Jenny from you, going to get a magic curse put on them! Wait what Licenced Wizards Only? no way! That is right only Licensed wizards can buy magic items and while there is no law that says regular citizens can't own them, most are too scared to use them even if they DO find them—the jail times for using magic in public also applied to nonwizards who use magic items in public.   Every magic item can be seen in the Astral, and wizards can see into the Astral. When magic is used it leaves an imprint that can be tracked by a wizard who specializes in that sort of thing. That is how the magic crime decision finds out who killed who with what. If you find a magic item thrown away, I wouldn't touch it, it's been thrown away for a reason.   So this list is not a complete list, just the most common items sold. These are all found in the Starfinder Armoury book. If you do not have that please ask DM to give you details on any of the below or try a Google search.      
Item Name Level Price(Cr) Weight
Aeon Stones
Clear Spindle 1 245 -
Iridescent Spindle  2 740 -
Dark Blue Rhomboid 10 18000 -
Pearly White Spindle 11 25000 -
Ring of Resistance
MK 1 2 735 -
MK 2 6 4200 -
MK 3 10 18100 -
MK 4 14 70000 -
MK 5 18 361500 -
Spell Ampoule
0 2 200 L
1st 3 300 L
2nd 6 700 L
3rd 10 3000 L
Spell Gem
0 1 50 L
1st 2 140 L
2nd 5 450 L
3rd 8 1400 L
4th 11 3700 L
5th 14 10600 L
6th 17 36650 L
Tiara of Translocation               
MK 1 14 11750 L
MK 2 16 185000 L
MK 3 18 410000 L
MK 4 20 875000 L
Charge Cloak 1 200 L
Ring of Whispers 1 300 -
Amulet of Camouflage 3 1400 -
Ring of Sustenance 5 2925 -
Staff of Mystic Healing 5 3700 1
Glove of Storing 6 4600 L
Rod of Cancellation 9 2100 L
Shadow Orb 10 2850 L
Ring of Cosmic Alignment 11 25000 -
Serum of Appearance Change 1 75 L
Serum of Healing MK1 1 50 L
Serum of Sex Shift 3 350 L
Serum of Enhancement (All types) 5 475 L
Serum of Healing MK 2 5 425 L
Serum of Healing MK 3 9 1950 L
Item Name Level Price(Cr) Weight
Aeon Stones
Ring of Resistance
    Format Name Level Cost WT Brooch of shielding 2 1,000 — Cover seed 2 200 L Serum, lingo 2 100 — Starfinder backpack 2 750 1 Elemental gem, mk 1 3 250 L Obfuscated journal 3 1,250 1 Recovery aegis 3 1,350 L Serum, daywalker 3 200 — Aeon stone, amber hyperboloid 4 2,200 — Darksight goggles 4 2,100 L Ethereal goggles 6 5,000 L Improvisation adornment, mk 1 4 1,800 L Planar runeplates, mk 1 4 2,000 L Serum, shadowblend 4 325 — Serum, X-ray 4 350 — Tangleburst seed 4 675 L Aeon stone, sapphire cone 5 3,200 — Clearsight trinket 5 2,750 L Dented kasa 5 3,000 1 Diffraction cloak, mk 1 5 3,200 1 Fiery runeplates, mk 1 5 3,500 3 Figurine of wondrous power (obsidian electrovore) 5 3,000 L Serum, veracity 5 450 — Skyfire saddle 5 2,650 1 Storage goo 5 500 L Travel treads, mk 1 5 2,750 L Aeon stone, viridian balbis 6 4,200 — Elemental gem, mk 2 6 650 L Energy-relay gloves 6 4,250 L Ferocity blazon 6 4,000 1 Hat of disguise 6 3,850 L Plasma beads, mk 1 6 4,200 L Conspirator’s emblem 7 6,500 L Furtive garment 7 5,500 L Pathing telescope 7 7,000 2 Restoring rod 7 6,750 1 Serum, close-quarters 7 950 — Calcification rod 8 9,500 2 Figurine of wondrous power (bone crest-eater) 8 9,000 L Improvisation adornment, mk 2 8 8,400 L Planar runeplates, mk 2 8 8,500 L Techbane rod 8 10,000 1 Teleportation puck 8 1,500 L Diffraction cloak, mk 2 9 12,500 1 Elemental gem, mk 3 9 2,000 L Fiery runeplates, mk 2 9 14,000 3 Plasma beads, mk 2 9 12,500 L Travel treads, mk 2 9 12,000 L Aeon stone, alabaster helix 11 30,000 — Inspiration blazon 11 23,500 1 Ring of counterspells 11 24,000 — Aeon stone, kaleidoscopic icosahedron 12 35,000 — ITEM LEVEL PRICE BULK Elemental gem, mk 4 12 5,000 L Improvisation adornment, mk 3 12 33,500 L Mantle of willpower 12 37,000 1 Planar runeplates, mk 3 12 34,000 L Plasma beads, mk 3 12 37,500 L Aeon stone, obsidian annulus 13 55,000 — Diffraction cloak, mk 3 13 51,000 1 Fiery runeplates, mk 3 13 56,000 3 Figurine of wondrous power (bloodstone bloodbrother) 13 48,000 L Travel treads, mk 3 13 46,500 L Aeon stone, silver lemniscate 14 65,000 — Elemental gem, mk 5 15 16,000 L Figurine of wondrous power (plastic sharpwing) 15 100,000 L Elemental gem, mk 6 18 49,000 L Containment tesseract 19 500,000 1