Matrix actions in Ghuant | World Anvil

Matrix actions

Simple Run

The following matrix commands are useable when just doing a quick and dirty matrix run. Some these skill checks are Complex Skill Checks   Attack: You have three modes: You use this action to attack an icon that is capable of fighting back. This is a standard action. [Skill check – Computer Use (Data) + Attack program v. Defense]. This is a normal Skill check   Brute Force: This is just getting me in as fast as you can you get +5 to your roll to attack but the system gets +5 to detect you and checks after each attack, even if found weakness. When used in cyber combat vs other icons, you get the +5 on attack, On the downside till your first action in the NEXT round, you take -5 to your defense. If you use this again do not add more than -5 total penalty.   Attack: Normal attack no bonus to anyone.   Sleaze: You take a -5 on your attacks and the system does not check your attacks until you reach its threshold and then takes a -5 to that check. When used in cyber combat against icons take the -5 to attack but when they attack you, you can roll an opposed complex checks CU(Data) against all attacks until your first action in the NEXT round. Your DC to hit is attacker CU rank + their Firewall + their Attack Program and each pass cancels the attacker pass. Their DC is your Defense The attacker needs one to hit. You have to be running a sleaze program to use this option. If they used Brute Force you get to add +5 to your roll to resist.   Control Device: You can control all sorts of Matrix-enabled devices remotely through the Matrix, from simple automatic security doors and elevators to drones and agents to entire automated factories full of robotic assemblers – virtually any device that can be electronically accessed. Note that you must first gain access to the device before you can control it. Controlling a device is typically a full-round action. [ Skill check – varies (Computer Use v. variable DC, plus others)].   Crash Program/OS : You can attack active programs that don't fight back in cyber combat (programs like IC fight back) with a Crash Program/OS action. Want to disable a combat drone’s targeting program? Crash its Gunnery autosoft. Want to force a node to shut down? Crash its OS. To crash a particular program or device OS, make a Computer Use check plus the Icepick program rating. The target opposes this with a d20 + System + Firewall check. If you win, the node crashes. Attempting to crash a node's OS automatically triggers an alert. This is a full-round action. Some programs that crash may automatically restart – treat this as Reboot. Some IC programs will attempt to crash a decker's programs rather than engage in cybercombat. [Skill check – Computer Use + Icepick program v. System DC + mods].   Data Search : You can attempt to locate information, icons, servers and a host of other things on the Matrix. The time required to perform a Data Search varies according to the size of the network upon which you are searching. [Skill check – Compute Use(Data) + Scanner + mods].   Edit : You can take a standard action to create, change, or erase a file. You can only make minor changes to a file on the fly per action – manually altering one line of print or one image, for example, subject to gamemaster approval. You may also copy some or all of a file, or insert pre-readied material. More extensive changes require longer periods. You can also alter a device’s output—video taken by a security camera, for example, or telemetry data taken by a vehicle sensor. A single Edit action only alters output for a short period (one round). In order to alter output for a longer period, you must first take control of the device prior to the Edit action. [Skill check – Computer Use + Edit v. security code DC + mods]. Edit can also be used for creative output, such as crafting a life-like 3-D holo to use as a distraction, or forging a convincing set of fake credential printouts. In these cases, not only will you make the normal Edit skill check, you may required to make other skill checks.   Jack Out : This is a quick log off, pulling yourself free from the deck. This is a free action. Jacking out does not turn off your icon, and in fact, leaves it vulnerable. [Skill check – n/a].   Log Off : This is a graceful log off. Performing a graceful log off is a move action. [Skill check – Computer Use v. variable DC].   Log On : You use this action to log on to a server, network, or node. This is a full-round action. [Skill check – Computer Use v. variable DC].   Observe in Detail: A standard Matrix Search check allows you to notice and find things in the Matrix. However, not all things are what they seem in the virtual world. You can attempt to observe a construct in detail, possibly gaining additional information about it. [Skill check – Computer Use(data) + Scanner v. DC security code + mods or CU rank+ firewall+cloak]. With 3 passes you can identify between agent and persona and 5 passes will tell you if a technomancer or something that uses complex forms.   Reboot : A persona or node can shut down and reboot, but the process takes time. Initiating a reboot is a full-round action. The actual process takes (System) rounds, minus one round per 5 points over the DC that Computer Use skill check scores (minimum of one round). The DC for this check is 10 if the person initiating the reboot is an authorized user; otherwise, the DC is based on the security code of the area, plus any mods. A rebooted persona starts again in its personal node, not wherever it was in the Matrix when it rebooted. [Skill check – Computer Use v. variable DC].   Repair Icon : You can use the Medic program to repair damage to an icon. This is a standard action. [Skill check – Computer Use + Medic skill check v. DC 5 + icon System].  

All Other actions

ActionTortoise*Cyberdeck (All Yes)Living Icon
Free Actions
Jack Out N y
Speak/Text Y y
Terminate Data Transfer Y y
Move Action
Alter/Swap Icon Y y
Data Search Y y
Deactivate Program Y y
Decrypt (with key) Y y
Issue Command Y y
Log Off Y y
Spoof Command Y-2 y
Transfer Data Y y
Standard Actions
Attack Y y
Edit Y y
Observe in Detail Y y
Redirect Trace Y -2 y
Repair Icon Y y
Full Round Actions
Control Device Y y
Crash Program/ OS Y y
Data Search Y y
Decrypt(without Key) Y-2 y
Disable Data Bomb Y-2 y
Edit Y y
Encrypt Y-2 y
Intercept Traffic Y y
Log On Y y
Reboot Y y
Spood Datatrail Y-2 y
Track User Y-2 y
* Some actions have -2 to roll marked on lis   Alter/Swap Icon : You can perform this action to change your current icon. This does not affect the stats of your icon, only its appearance. Swapping or altering an icon is a move action. [Skill check – Computer Use v. DC 10].   Deactivate Program : This is the action you take to deactivate a program, including an active Agent. This is a move action. [Skill check – Computer Use v. DC 10]. Decrypt (with key) : If you have the proper key, you can decrypt a file as a move action with no skill check. Decrypt (without key) : If you lack the proper key to decrypt a file, you must break through the encryption. This requires a Computer Use + Decrypt check. The DC for this check is the Encrypt result of the original check to protect the file. This takes 10 rounds, minus one round per 5 points by which you beat the DC (minimum full-round action). [Skill check – Computer Use + Decrypt program v. DC Computer Use + Encrypt program].   Disarm Data Bomb : You may attempt to disarm a data bomb attached to a file. To disarm the data bomb, you must first have detected it (Matrix Search Check). Make a Computer Use skill check, adding any bonus from a Defuse program. This is a full-round action. The DC for this check is the Data Bomb rating x 2. Some data bombs may require more than one check to disarm. If successful, you disarm the data bomb and can access the attached file following the normal rules. If you fail, the data bomb detonates with normal effects. Depending on its settings, the data bomb may also trigger an alert, and/or destroy the attached file. [Skill check – Computer Use + Defuse program v. DC Data Bomb rating x 2].   Encrypt : This is the action you take to encrypt a file. This takes 10 rounds. Make a Computer Use check, adding any Encrypt modifiers. Note the result. This sets the DC for any decryption attempts. [Skill check – Computer Use + Encrypt program open].   Intercept Traffic : In order to intercept traffic between any two nodes or users, you must first have access to a node that the traffic passes through. For example, to intercept a comcall between a Mr. Johnson and his lackey, you either need to compromise one of their phones or gain access to the Matrix nodes that the comcall passes through (which could be a challenge unto itself ). Note that this action only applies to traffic passing through a wired medium. The gamemaster may also require you to succeed in a Matrix Search Check to locate the traffic flow you seek to intercept. To eavesdrop, make a Computer Use + Sniffer program check. The DC for this check is based on the security of the area. Note your skill check result. If someone attempts to detect your tap, this is their DC. This is a full-round action, not including the actual time required to monitor the traffic. Taps of this nature are difficult to detect. In order for someone to detect interception of his wired traffic, he must make a Matrix Search Check in the specific node on which the Sniffer program is running.   Intercepted communications can be copied/recorded without any additional tests. If you wish to block some parts of the traffic or add in your own, you must perform a successful Edit action. If you want to insert faked traffic, so that it looks like it comes from one party or the other, you must beat the recipient in an opposed check between your Computer Use + Sniffer and the target’s d20 + Firewall + System.   Note that some communications may be encrypted. In this case, a Decrypt action is necessary to capture and decode the traffic. [Skill check – Computer Use + Sniffer program open test].   Issue Command : While online, you can issue commands to Agents, drones, or other devices under your control with a move action. Note that you can issue the same command to multiple drones or combat buddies at once with the same action; different commands, however, require separate actions. Note that drones and combat buddies will only take orders from their controlling persona, unless another persona spoofs an order. If the controlling character chooses, he can instruct the agent or drone to receive orders from other specified personas. [Skill check (if necessary) – varies.]   Redirect Trace : As a standard action, you may attempt to spoof an active trace or Track by sending a flurry of information into the system. [Skill check – Computer Use + Cloak program + Redirect program (opposes)].   Speak/Text Phrase : You can speak or text a few words (equal to Intelligence bonus +2) as a free action. [Skill check – n/a]. Spoof Command : Use the Spoof Command action to transmit forged instructions to a drone or Agent controlled by another user. In order to spoof orders, you must first complete a successful Matrix Search Check on the persona you are impersonating in order to gain its access ID. To spoof commands, you must make a Computer Use + Spoof program. The target must roll a Will save against a DC equal to your check result. If the save fails, the target believes the orders came from its controlling persona. [Skill check – Computer Use + Spoof program opposed by Will save].   Spoof Datatrail : Many deckers use their Edit program to eliminate any records of their tampering or illicit activity on a node. To do this, the decker first needs to locate the node’s security logs (requiring a Matrix Search Check action), and then edit them to remove all traces of his activity. This is a full-round action. Depending on your account privileges, Edit may also be used to create, change, or delete accounts on a particular node. Deckers are fond on making back doors (hidden accounts) into systems they have hacked this way, so they can get inside later with having to hack in again. [Skill check – Computer Use + Edit program v. DC security code + mods].   Terminate Data Transfer : You can terminate a data transfer as a free action. [Skill check – n/a].     Track User : With a Track action, you can trace a user’s datatrail from his icon back to his physical location. This is different from a Data search action (which is like looking up someone’s commcode in a directory a trace follows the target’s current connections node-by-node all the way back to the source. Note that you must have detected the target with a Matrix Search Check in order to trace him.  Make a Track check (Computer Use + Track program). The DC for this check is the target icon's 10+ CU(data)+Cloak + Redirect program rating. The attempt takes 1d6+1 full round actions. If the target performs a Redirect Trace action, the DC is the target's check result.  Make the Track check each round for as long as the trace attempt lasts.  If successful, you’ve identified the target’s originating node and access ID. If the node is wired to the Matrix, you’ve ascertained its physical location. If the node is a mobile wireless device, the device’s rough current physical location has been triangulated (to within 150 ft.).  You can continue to monitor the device’s location if it moves, as long as the device stays on and maintains a wireless connection.  System security will often trace deckers this way, and then either dispatch a corporate threat response, notify the police, or launch their own hacking attack on the decker’s home node (either by dispatching a security specialist or IC programs) to give the decker a taste of his own medicine.    Note: If target does not use a redirect action the running redirect adds to DC. if proforms a redirect the DC is its check. [Skill check – Computer Use + Track program (v. Computer Use + Cloak program + Redirect program or target Redirect action roll)].     Transfer Data : You can transmit or receive data from one node to another – including uploading and downloading files, sending messages, and so on – with a Transfer Data move action. Note that bandwidth and transfer speeds in the modern Matrix are fast enough to make all but the largest of file transfers almost instantaneous. Unless the gamemaster rules otherwise, transfers complete at the end of the round in which they were started. A transfer can be terminated at any time with a free action. [Skill check (if necessary) – Computer Use + Edit program v. variable DC].