Matrix Agents in Ghuant | World Anvil

Matrix Agents

Agents Agents are semi-autonomous programs capable of using other programs. Regular Matrix users employ agents as assistants or search-bots, while deckers also use them as decking aides, decoys, watchdogs, or even weapons platforms. Agents exist independently of the user in the Matrix, and are the equivalent of Matrix drones. They are capable of piloting themselves to a degree and can comprehend complex orders. Agents have a System attribute just like drones that determines just how “smart” the agent is. The system acts as the agent’s brain, interpreting orders. Agents have their own built-in Firewall attribute, equal to their System rating. Agents use the Response attribute of whatever node they are run on; this means that the attributes of an agent operating independently may vary as it moves from node to node. The Agent's System rating equals its Program rating.   Using Agents Agents can be loaded into your persona like other programs (taking a full-round action), allowing the agent to accompany you to any nodes you access. Agents can also access other nodes independently if instructed to and if they either have the passcodes or are carrying an Exploit program and can hack their own way in (as independent icons). Agents loaded into your persona have the same datatrail, so Track programs that go after an agent will trace back to your own point of origin. If you wish for your agent to operate in the Matrix independently, you must load it on a particular node separate from your persona. The agent will continue to operate in the Matrix even if your persona goes offline. In this case, the agent doesn’t count toward your persona’s active program limits like running programs do.   Agents use your ranks in Computer Use but none of your bonuses to your skill )Other than normal Stat modifier bonus) and use your Int for Complex skill checks   Payload Agents can be loaded up with copies of your programs so that the agent may employ them on its own. If an agent is acting independently, any programs it’s carrying must be active, and so may affect its Response. Any program run by an agent is limited by the System rating.   AGENT STATS Once you know the system level or the program level of the agent, you use that to calculate the rest of the status using the cyberdeck page. See Cyberdecks