New conditions


This condition persists for 2d6 days, after which it will heal naturally. A character with a concussion will often appear perfectly fine, but will occasionally suffer dizziness, see spots, and in rare cases may even believe he is somewhere else, or become extremely confused. A character with this condition can only use half his ranks in any skill. A character that succeeds at a DC 20 Will save may make a skill check with his full number of skill ranks, but the character must make this save again each time he makes a skill check as long as this condition persists.  

Broken Arm

This condition persists for 1d6 weeks, minus one week per point of the character’s Constitution modifier, minimum 1 week. If a character has a broken arm that is not set, the character may use that arm normally, but suffers a –2 to all actions performed with that arm, and must make a Fortitude Save (DC 15) or suffer 1d6 points of damage when using that arm. A character with a First Aid kit may make a Treat Injury check (DC 15) to set a broken arm. This reduces the penalty to –1, and the character suffers no damage from using the limb. Once an arm is set, only the –1 penalty applies until the condition is healed.  

Broken Leg

This condition persists for 1d6 months, minus one month per point of the character’s Constitution modifier, minimum 2 months. If a character has a broken leg that is not set, the character may stand on that leg, but suffers a –4 penalty to Defense, and must make a Fortitude Save (DC 15) or suffer 1d6 points of damage each round the character stands on that leg. A character standing on one leg is flat-footed, but does not suffer damage. A character standing on one foot or on a broken leg that is hit in combat must make a Reflex save (DC 15 if the character is placing weight on the broken leg, or DC 20 if the character is standing on one leg) or be knocked prone. A character with a First Aid kit may make a Treat Injury check (DC 15) to set a broken leg. Once a leg is set, a character suffers a –2 penalty to Defense as long as the condition persists.  

Mental Breakdown

The character’s experiences have caused the character to develop a mental illness, usually Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (see that condition for more information), though some other well-known examples of combat breakdowns, such as the “Thousand Yard Stare” are presented as well. Although no information on other forms of mental illness is provided here (such concerns are outside the scope of this book), combat breakdowns have resulted in every form of neurosis and psychosis that exists, and any of these could affect a character. This condition may only be removed by long-term application (2d12 months, one treatment per week) of the Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) skill.  

Mental Exhaustion

The character suffers a –6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, moves at half speed, and cannot charge or run. What makes this condition different from normal exhaustion is that is caused by mental and emotional stress, rather than physical exertion. One hour of rest, free from stress or combat, will “heal” mental exhaustion, leaving a character mentally fatigued. If a character suffering from mental exhaustion performs another activity that causes mental fatigue, the character may suffer mental paralysis, become panicked, or even suffer a mental breakdown (see those conditions for more information). An Order (see the Intimidate skill for more information) may temporarily allow a character to act as if mentally fatigued.  

Mental Fatigue

The character suffers a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity as normal for Fatigue. What makes this condition different is that is caused by stress, rather than physical exertion. One hour of rest, free from stress or combat, will “heal” mental fatigue. If a character suffering from mental fatigue performs another activity that causes mental fatigue, the character may suffer mental exhaustion (see that condition for more information).    

Mental Paralysis

A character suffering from mental paralysis either stands stock still, staring around him, or simply sits down on the ground, ignoring what is going on around him. If attacked, the character may make a Will Save (DC 15) to become mentally exhausted again. If the character fails this save, the character will suffer a Mental Breakdown (see that condition for more information). A character suffering from mental paralysis has an effective Strength and Dexterity of 0, and is helpless. One day of rest, free from stress or combat will “heal” mental paralysis, leaving the character mentally exhausted. What makes this condition different from normal Paralysis is that this condition is caused by extreme stress and mental duress.    

Post-traumatic Stress

PTS is an illness that affects those who have been exposed to extreme stress, especially those who have suffered extreme stress over a long period of time, such as war veterans, prisoners of war, or concentration camp survivors. Characters with this illness may suffer nightmares (rendering the character fatigued), or even flashbacks. These conditions cause a 5% chance that the character is Fatigued on any given day. Should a character suffering this condition be placed under extreme stress again, the character must make a Will Save (DC 20) or immediately suffer mental exhaustion.    

The Thousand Yard Stare

This mental illness has rendered the character so numb that he is actually better suited to stressful situations, including combat. The character gains +2 to attack and damage rolls in combat; however, out of combat, the character suffers a –4 to all skill checks except Spot and Listen. This mental illness can only be removed through long-term therapy as described under the Mental Breakdown new condition.