Origin by Onsager (OBO)

The capital of human lands is named after the one that found the location after wandering for 100 years trying to find the best place to protect what was left of the humans. A lot of humans consider themselves the last bastion of the human race, all these metahumans are no longer pure true humans. Even though we are still all born human and only become metahuman at 13, that is not enough for some. Others believe that metahumans are cursed by the Gods, and should not be near or working with them. The ruling Hands as they are called lucky do not listen to such talk. We are all humans and should work towards the common goal of getting off this rock. These are the latest that are in power and they always come into power as the time to slip back comes. 20 years left to go.   Humans are still the most numbered of all, and such has the hardest job of keeping everyone fed and protected. Forced military service to help defend our lands is needed, and the justice system is harsh, either banishment or death, not much in between. Hard labor for minor things like stealing or fighting. But the big one's murder, killing, deserting post or army get you some serious punishment.   There is a clear divide of the class still, the 1% rich born into or lucky to earn it or find it all live in protected well-to-do houses with AC, clean water, and swimming pools 5000 sq feet homes with gardens to walk in. The middle, the working class, get some 2 or 3-room houses all crammed together in 1 sector of the city, no more than 1500 square feet and sometimes has a 2nd floor with no backyards. Everyone else fights for the scraps burned out building from the AI wars, unfurnish complexes when materials or money ran out to complete. Mind you you still pay rent, someone owes these, and getting caught squatting is a fast trip to the labor camps to work off your debt and THEY decide how long you have been there.   Of course for people with the right skills there is always jobs, ones that you find things human corps need to finish projects, they normally need an elven tech piece or idea or a Dwarven tool that they cant buy. You stick to the shadows, don't get caught, and if you do well you are on your own....
Some known places:  

654 - The Twisted Xorbucon Bank

[816cr] Banker: Nirahon has 7 vaults that noble rent. Top-of-the-line T10 computer system to defend all systems attached to the bank. Watch Ghosts for astral protection. Vaults have no access to Astral or Ethereal.  

7 - Stitching Ooze Medicine

[1,993cr] Doctor: Tic licensed MD, in the basement has a cloning tube.  

435 - Sleepy Marine Hunting Shop

[1,737cr] Owner (Army Surplus): Baldur  

78 - The Eerie Wulog Racer

[1,989cr] Owner (Vehicles): Ulelen Bus - 12,000cr Canoe - 55cr Car - 8,000cr Helicopter - 18,000cr Large Sailing Ship - 22,000cr Motorcycle - 4,000cr Sailing Boat - 2,000cr Small Galley - 12,000cr Small Jet Plane - 32,000cr  

135 - The Nursing Ripper Physician

[2,692cr] Doctor: Sabiri offers licensed Cloning services  

159 - The Growling Mucktupus Bar

[1,720cr] Bartender: Kamilyan( Elf)  

194 - Smiling Lion Barn Yard

[378cr] Owner (Stables): Dalisatosiel Animal Feed (20) - 1cr - [4] Dog - 1cr - [8] Donkey - 8cr - [6] Guard Dog - 25cr - [2] Mule - 30cr - [10] Pony - 30cr - [6] Stabling (2 days) - 1cr - [10]  

246 - The Rusty Bird Pawn

[1,813cr] Pawn Broker: Dricor  

281 - The Junky Shark Scrap

[2,625cr] Owner (Junk): Vincenus  

623 - Hidden Gillard Tailor Shop

[1,018cr] Owner (Tailor): Sawor  

78 - The Savage Battanor RacerĀ 

[319cr] Owner (Vehicles): Ulelen Bus - 12,000cr Helicopter - 18,000cr Large Galley - 32,000cr Motorcycle - 4,000cr Sailing Boat - 2,000cr Small Galley - 12,000cr Small Prop Plane - 67,000cr Transport Sailing Ship - 30,000cr War Galley - 65,000cr  

342 - The Knitted Turteldon Dress Shop

[649cr] Owner (Tailor): Fecckik    

344 - The Sleeping Marner Club

[2,030cr] Bartender: Yerghug  

506 - The Cheap Sheel Provisioner

[450cr] cyberware seller: Darvin  

564 - The Mighty Commando Army Surplus

[1,888cr] Owner (Army Surplus): Eleogap

Other Important people:

    MAYOR: Hienrrb (Lives in #105).   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Clopton (Lives in #373 and carries a plasma axe   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Thorgurd (Lives in #522 and carries a frag gun   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Tuzg (Lives in #247 and carries a plasma axe   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Enina (Lives in #375 and carries a plasma rifle   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Sondipri (Lives in #526 and carries a pulse battle axe   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Ririba (Lives in #443 and carries shock gloves   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Ecckkekek (Lives in #259 and carries a plasma rifle   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Ppaironael (Lives in #69 and carries a gravitube   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Nantale (Lives in #560 and carries a plasma rifle   LAW ENFORCEMENT: Chetickuki (Lives in #563 and carries a pulse axe LAW ENFORCEMENT: Kobt (Lives in #424 and carries a plasma axe    

Grand Branch of Human Govt

This branch passes the laws that are enforced all over the human lands and this is where laws that all 3 races would vote on to apply across all their names. The members are secret and are only able to seat for 4 years then has to give up seats for another member from Regional Branch. There are 32 seats, and 7 are perm seats that members sit till they die. There is a lot of moving and shaking when that happens. They meet once every four months for 1 week to deal with Grand Branch issues.