Ork Meta Human

Ork:+2 Str +1 Con -2 Cha -1 Int Rage as barbarian of character level. Can take rage feats
  Ships 800 tons ships: 7 Armour TL 16 ships: 7 Power Core TL 14 Engine TL 14 Sensor TL 16 ships: 4 Defense Systems PL 7 (PL 8 Rammers 4 (when ramming take no damage), PL 9 Halo emitter(can create ships that show up on scanners 3)
  weapons TL 15 Personal Weapons TL 15 Personal Armour TL 15
  These guys have best sensors on the planet, knowing where all the rest of the races troops are, they sell this info sometimes to help other races like Trolls that are allies. The troops are in turn equipped as well as the trolls with weapons of deadly design. The infected managed to steal the tech when they infected a shipyard of theirs granting them the same sensor tech. Now the infected also sell info to the elves humans and dwarves.