
  Orks are rude strong tall fighter types. Everything about what they do is to prove they can be a big dog over everyone around them. They are constantly challenging each other to tests of strength, sword fights etc. There is a very strict rule of law that keeps things civil most of the time. Not to say things never get out of hand, but when then do The Greys appear and step in! They are the police, and they gave the license to issue a death warrant on the spot and kill you. It is what keeps most of them in check. Their cities are crowded, loud, and dirty. The protection offered to Orks is not given to visitors watch your step, you can be challenged and fought even to the death. Most do not visit who are not Ork or Troll because of this. Their life is all amount the struggle to survive, the older an Ork is, the more respect he is given as he has survived count attempts on his life. The strongest badest and Oldest Ork in the land takes control of the hoard and directs it. He chooses a seat of 6 that deal with various everyday issues freeing him to direct the war himself.