Other Meta Human

  Ships 600 tons Ships: 20 Armour TL 14 Power Core TL 16 Ships: 20 Engine PL 8 (Linear Deviation Drive) Ships: 19 Sensor TL 12 Defense Systems PL 7 (PL 8 Bumble City 25, PL 9 Scanner Blocker(their ships do not show up on scanners of TL 16 or lower scanners 20) weapons PL 15 Personal Weapons PL 15 Personal Armour PL 15
  This race controls the waterways, they only have Ultralight ships but they have the chronometric shifter that allows them to move their ships instantly. They are hired by all the races to move troops around and had a peace agreement with all of them, so the ships would not be fired on. The dwarves broke this by firing on a troll troop transport and taking the ship. Now the dwarves are cut off but they have 1 ship they use to move troops around. So far it's not been taken out but other races have tried.