Restricted Skill: Trader Wis in Ghuant | World Anvil

Restricted Skill: Trader Wis

The person who knows this skill is an expert in the fine art of bartering and haggling prices with other people. It does not allow them to walk into a chain store and negotiate a sale price of some clothes. When there is a unclear price or barter system in place you can use this skill to get the best price out of the deal. This still is useless when dealing with big companies, gov't, and megacorps. This is used when one on one negotiations are going on.   5 ranks in Bluff can add +2 to this skill check.
Bartering and Haggling: Opposed rolls, if one side is in a rush to sell, the other side gets +2 to roll. If goods are stolen or illegal, the buyer can add +2 to his check.   If sell wins by 0-9 gets 110% asking price (std price) If gets 10-20 over buyer gets 120% and if beats him by 20+ gets 130% over std price.    The same goes for buyers just goes down 90%, 80%, 70%.    You can retry but they start at % last check finish at and are a -2  to any new checks.