Restricted Skills: Gambling INT in Ghuant | World Anvil

Restricted Skills: Gambling INT

Can take Gambling which is an INT-based skill. It is useful in mustering out, can make a DC 20 gambling check and if passed can add +1 to the cash roll. You can also try to make a living as a gambler.
  Noncompetitive games Game vs house blackjack slots, roulette etc
Odds DC Payout Max bet
rigged 40 varies varies
Remote 35 1:10 5000
Small 30 1:8 1000
Low 25 1:4 500
Avg 20 1:2 100
Cannot make more than payout x max bet before being kicked out.
  Competitive games
  In poker vs other players you all roll your gambling skills top score takes the pot. If want to cheat can try and make a 2nd gamble check. All over players in the game get to make own gamble check if they beat you, you are caught! If more than one tries to cheat whoever has the highest cheat roll takes pot(if they don't get caught)