Restricted: Reverse Engineer

By studying and disassembling recovered technology, you can make great technological strides.   Prerequisite: Knowledge: technology 10 ranks(or equivalent), Repair 10 ranks ( or equivalent)   Benefit: You may disassemble and study a piece of technology from a higher progress level, including unusual technology that is magic-based or techno-organic, in an attempt to understand how it works. The recovered tech is destroyed in the process, and the research and study require at least 40 hours of work per PL over 5.   At the end of the study and experimentation period, you may attempt a Knowledge (technology) check in an attempt to understand how the recovered device works. The check DC is based on the Progress Level of the recovered tech. Recovered or unusual technology from PL 5 or earlier has a check DC 30. Each additional PL beyond PL 5 increases the Knowledge: technology check DC by +5 (to a maximum base DC 50 for PL 9 technology.) If the recovered tech is magic based or techno-organic, the check DC is increased by +2 per PL over 5.   If your check is successful, you receive a permanent +1 rank in Repair and Knowledge: technology, regardless of your normal maximum ranks in these skills, due to the insights you gained studying the alien device. If the device studied is magical or technological in nature, you instead receive a permanent +1 rank in Repair and Knowledge: arcane lore, regardless of your normal maximum ranks in these skills, due to the insights you gained studying the magical device.   This also gives allows you to count yourself as 1 PL higher when trying to learn the next level of PL removing -5 off the Int minus applied when trying to tech up.   You may design and build devices similar to the recovered technology without penalty regardless of how much more advanced the device is in contrast to main-line technology. You may remove -5 off any penalty for higher PL for those devices only.    Note: You can only get the rank boost once, after that it still gives you a boost but it is a circumstance bonus, not a rank. Each time you destroy the item to reuse this feat the new item has to higher value or level than the last one to get the new bonus.